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Kharn or Abaddon?

Commander Krag

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cost effectiveness, I'd probably say Khârn. Abby's a badass, but he's super expensive, lacks grenades, and can't sweep enemies due to his termie armor. Khârn's not quite as potent, and is especially vulnerable in challenges, but as long as you can keep a champion around to handle challenge duties, Kharns nearly as brutal as Abby in melee, and far more reliable.


Making chosen troops may be an edge in Abby's favor, but while chosen aren't terrible for their base points cost, all of their options are super expensive, so I remain skeptical. A brutal Abby-based troop chosen army might appear, but I've yet to see it.


It's really a toss up, though. They're both good enough to run, but neither is fantastic.

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1) don't get charged, and when you do make sure to base the necron lord with someone else, or if you will get charged make sure the lord can't immediately base your hero


2) don't be engaged until after combat has started - position yourself so that your will be outside the combat radius after charging/getting charged, making you an inelegable challenge participant, but you will be engaged after pile in moves. Due to random charge distance this cannot be reliably pulled off on offense typically, but still.


3) have a champion on hand to issue/accept the challenge, so your lord can murder up the little guys


4) lose your combat hero anyway even if you slaughter the entire rest of the unit when you're forced into the challenge with the lord in the next combat phase.


5) curse MSS for the game ruiningly broken automatic win button vs. our army that it is.


6) next time around, avoid engaging necron lords with units that have combat heroes, and instead send basic marines, chosen, bikes, raptors, or otherwise, with naked or minimally upgraded champions. Just accept that the champion will die, hope that the rest of the squad can do enough damage to the lords unit that the leftovers can surround the lord and take it out anyway


7) everything goes great, but then the surrounded lord just teleports away. Curse Matt Ward, and Phil Kelly for that matter. Lose your patience, stop going to tournaments, refuse to play against necrons at the local store.

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1) don't get charged, and when you do make sure to base the necron lord with someone else, or if you will get charged make sure the lord can't immediately base your hero


2) don't be engaged until after combat has started - position yourself so that your will be outside the combat radius after charging/getting charged, making you an inelegable challenge participant, but you will be engaged after pile in moves. Due to random charge distance this cannot be reliably pulled off on offense typically, but still.


3) have a champion on hand to issue/accept the challenge, so your lord can murder up the little guys


4) lose your combat hero anyway even if you slaughter the entire rest of the unit when you're forced into the challenge with the lord in the next combat phase.


5) curse MSS for the game ruiningly broken automatic win button vs. our army that it is.


6) next time around, avoid engaging necron lords with units that have combat heroes, and instead send basic marines, chosen, bikes, raptors, or otherwise, with naked or minimally upgraded champions. Just accept that the champion will die, hope that the rest of the squad can do enough damage to the lords unit that the leftovers can surround the lord and take it out anyway


7) everything goes great, but then the surrounded lord just teleports away. Curse Matt Ward, and Phil Kelly for that matter. Lose your patience, stop going to tournaments, refuse to play against necrons at the local store.


Ok thanks. I have been doing points 5 & 7 with great success so far. :)


AND I just realized that a Necron Lord on a Chariot thingie can't issue or accept challenges. The last Necron player I faced seems to have overlooked this fact. :cuss

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