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Plague marines but not death guard


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I want to do something different with plague marines instead of the standard bloated death guard.


Can anyone please direct me to some Nurgle marines that are more zombie like and corroded.


Many thanks Jackmatt.

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The only other warband aside from DG (and that would be under Typhus) that is known to spread the zombie plague would be Apostles of Contagion, led by Necrosius (see the Siege of Vraks campaigns). I don't think that the PMs themselves are "more zombie-like and corroded" but that doesn't mean you can't make yours that way.
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There is also The Cleaved.


The Death Guard split up into warbands after the Horus Heresy, much like some of the other Legions. Plague Marines are also not only from the Death Guard. Try Lexicanum for more background information, but use your imagination as well. Make up your own warband and fluff, have fun with it!

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I've always thought of the Cleaved to be mostly liquid inside their armor (kinda like Rubrics are all dust). And their scheme is oddly clean apart from the leaks. If you want corroded, and potential for zombification, what about the Lords of Decay?


Their scheme was in our previous codex (white armor all filthy/fairly simple to do red chapter symbol), and there's not much fluff about them, so you can really take it wherever you want. My Death Guard scheme is actually oddly similar to these guys, so I like their look, and it's probably the army I'd have if I weren't a DG loyalist.

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