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What are the most popular Legion/Warbands?


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Just curious, maybe there is a post somewhere for this but I would like to hear from everyone. It seems to me that the WB, IW and DG are all pretty popular followed by NL, WE, BL and Red Corsairs. Not too many AL or Thousand sons and Emperors Children.
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For me they are, in order of awesomeness:


Night Lords

World Eaters (in 2nd place because I only like them in pre Heresy colors)

Alpha Legion

Iron Warriors

Thousand Sons

Word Bearers

Death Guard

Black Legion

Emperor's Children

Red Corsairs

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The armies I see the most are Death Guard, World Eaters, and Black Legion. I have seen some Red Corsairs armies, but not as many as I have seen custom 'Sons of Somebody' armies with their own fluff.


I don't go to tournaments or anything, but have not seen a full Night Lords or Alpha Legion army. I have seen a couple units of each stuck in with other forces, but that's not the same.

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Word Bearers seem to e top dog with Death Guard and Black Legion pulling a close second. After that, it becomes mixed. Night Lords had a huge splurge after Soul Hunter came out but that's died since then. Alpha Legion had something similar happen with the Dark Vengeance release. At least, judging by here.
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I'm seeing ALOT of Word Bearers and Iron Warriors as of late. Neither of which is a problem to me since both are awesome ;)


But my list of favorites as of now are: Alpha Legion/Night Lords (can't decide), Red Corsairs, Word Bearers

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I think some of the popularity currently surrounding NL and WB are due to the excellent black library fiction they've been getting recently... I was wavering on legion choice and had almost settled on black legion (who I really do love) but then I picked up Know No Fear and, well
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The big thing that made Word Bearers my favourite Legion, beyond Dark Apostles, back in 3.0, was when a White Dwarf article revealed to me that they indeed, were the first traitors. They were the ones who corrupted the Sons of Horus. The First Heretic depicted this perfectly.


They are true fanatics, they are true believers, extremists even compared to their Imperial counterparts.


I'd put them at #1 for me. And I think a lot of people feel drawn to their ascetic, but also the fact that they were, when it gets right down to it, the first ones to turn to Chaos.

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The big thing that made Word Bearers my favourite Legion, beyond Dark Apostles, back in 3.0, was when a White Dwarf article revealed to me that they indeed, were the first traitors. They were the ones who corrupted the Sons of Horus. The First Heretic depicted this perfectly.


They are true fanatics, they are true believers, extremists even compared to their Imperial counterparts.


I'd put them at #1 for me. And I think a lot of people feel drawn to their ascetic, but also the fact that they were, when it gets right down to it, the first ones to turn to Chaos.


Same thing here. I had WB back during 2ed (though I started with a Nurgle army), but with their 3ed Index Astartes article the deal was sealed, and I have never looked back since. The First Heretic was awesome, and really brought the same 'feel' as their original IA article.


As to what chapters are most popular, I have seen many WB threads, and IW have really taken off, seeming to have shaken of their stigma since the 3.5 codex. AL also (oddly enough) seem to be on the rise, maybe because of the reintroduction of Cultists? BL still seem to drag around a sort of 'vanilla' status, meaning their numbers are sort of the same. I guess we will see less WE, unless people use the mark of Khorne more, and Berzerkers less, and I also think we will see more EC warbands.


A quick search over at warseer brought these four threads:







The first link puts the IW at first place, followed closely by... well everyone else except the BL, who only got 3.5% of the votes, compared to the average of around 10+-2% for everyone else.

So that poll would say that all the legions are about as popular, except the BL, who are not popular.


The second poll oddly lacked the option of Alpha Legion, but had DG as the clear winners, followed by TS, WE and IW not far behind. In this poll the rest were evenly liked, with no one at a clear last place.


The third poll, tough it's a bit old (so people were most likely not too happy about seeing an IW army across the table, though it was during the era of the previous codex, not the 3.5 one), put the TS and DG at first place, and the rest at an even spread.


The fourth poll was not exactly what was the favourite legion of the reader, but was which legion people would like to receive a codex first, if all the legions got their own codex. The phrasing would most likely favour legion who were hard to represent using the standard CSM codex. The DG and TS got first place, with the rest about even, and the BL last (no wonder, since the codex at the time worked great for fielding them!)


So, by adding these poll, DG seems to be most popular, likely followed by IW. the BL seems to be least popular, with NL coming in second last (this was before their BL books were released though). The rest are quite even, with the TS maybe being a bit more popular than the rest of the middle pack.

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So that poll would say that all the legions are about as popular, except the BL, who are not popular.

cool , doesnt change the fact the lists are BL , if they are good. there are no good cult mono lists since gav dex, even PM ones were using oblits . I have yet to see a good list that isnt BL .

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So that poll would say that all the legions are about as popular, except the BL, who are not popular.

cool , doesnt change the fact the lists are BL , if they are good. there are no good cult mono lists since gav dex, even PM ones were using oblits . I have yet to see a good list that isnt BL .

Yes, that might be true for your point of view, but we're talking about painting and modeling. Not list building and playstyles.

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The top three around here are Death Guard, Word Bearers and Iron Warriors, with the DG slightly more popular mostly due to teh PM lists last dex.


Ive run my Night Lords paint scheme chaos wolves since 2nd ed. and now they have a home as the Dornian Heresies Skyrars Dark Wolves, they are not very popular lol.

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