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I have a question.....


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Hi guys n gals,


I was just wondering why we've never seen any Daemon princes in terminator armour?


From a fluff point of view, if a PA marine can be turned into a DP and keeps his armour, surely there must instances of a terminator armoured marine being " up-graded"


I can't think of any reason why not and I think the idea of a massive termy is kinda cool.


Also, while I think of it..... Why do the chaos gods only make steeds in 1 size?


Why are there no termy lords on discs of tzeentch or daemon princes on juggernauts etc.


I fail to believe that 4 "gods" can only come up with 16 daemons between them and that those daemons are bound by the rules of a mortal universe.


Just a thought.



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I think with steeds the reasoning why Terminators have never been allowed to ride them is because of the huge size of TDA and how it would be difficult to ride a steed with the low mobility/high protection offered by Terminator armor.


For princes in TDA, I think that's mostly because the armor itself sloughs/falls off as the creature's size grows. I don't think it can expand that much. The "power armor" that princes wear isn't true power armor anymore (at least in my opinion), probably more like daemon armor without the 2+ protection it used to have.

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I think with steeds the reasoning why Terminators have never been allowed to ride them is because of the huge size of TDA and how it would be difficult to ride a steed with the low mobility/high protection offered by Terminator armor.


For princes in TDA, I think that's mostly because the armor itself sloughs/falls off as the creature's size grows. I don't think it can expand that much. The "power armor" that princes wear isn't true power armor anymore (at least in my opinion), probably more like daemon armor without the 2+ protection it used to have.


Agreed 100%

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why Terminators have never been allowed to ride them is because of the huge size of TDA and how it would be difficult to ride a steed with the low mobility/high protection offered by Terminator armor.

If a steed khorn steed/jugger can carry a DP it should well be able carry a dude in terminator armor . same with a tzeench disc or nurlge palaquin.


GW wont give it to us , because marine players may not like it and in this version of a dex they dont give us +2 sv , because it is suppose to be the thing that limits our "uberness" in melee.

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why Terminators have never been allowed to ride them is because of the huge size of TDA and how it would be difficult to ride a steed with the low mobility/high protection offered by Terminator armor.

If a steed khorn steed/jugger can carry a DP it should well be able carry a dude in terminator armor . same with a tzeench disc or nurlge palaquin.


GW wont give it to us , because marine players may not like it and in this version of a dex they dont give us +2 sv , because it is suppose to be the thing that limits our "uberness" in melee.


I never said they should carry or be able to carry DPs. The idea I think is a bit ludicrous. Probably because the effort required by each god to create a daemon the size of a prince (or GD) just isn't worth it to create a mount of equal (at least equal) size or likely even larger than the rider daemon. The other side of it is the models would be huge, likely Apocalypse size.

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Depends how you see DPs in Power amour. It can’t be normal power amour because if the incredible hulk has taught us one thing. Its clothes come in one size.


see the 3+save as demonic amour, dragon scales and the like that have te effect of 3+ save. However, why not 2+ save? that would be too hard to kill. It would need to be mega points and then people would moan about that.


Personally, I think a 2+ save is needed some how. The dark gods of chaos can’t bestow a +1 to the save. Stupid.


As or steeds, brilliant idea.


And number of demons, again I see the stats as the “average” abilities of any shape of warp born creature that is brought through.

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Yeah with the power armor that's pretty much what I was saying. The daemon armor was available to them in 3.5 but now with every melee weapon now having an AP value it really would be kinda overpowered.


Don't really understand what you're trying to say with the rest of that....

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well you can use the boons to get +1 to the armour. if only you could pay for specific boons pregame(think as a campaign would be something to think about) and really who cares about a termy armour prince, think about a dreadnaught armoured one!! or titan etc for that matter...
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The other side of it is the models would be huge, likely Apocalypse size.

you know that skarr can ride a jugger and he is an ex khorn prince and he is not apo sized ?


but now with every melee weapon now having an AP value it really would be kinda overpowered.

like all loyalists being able to run a TWC mounted lord with a +3 inv and +2 runic armor sv , overpowered ? even a normal marine hq can get a str 6 relic a bike and boost it with a +3inv +2 artificier armor save.

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you know that skarr can ride a jugger and he is an ex khorn prince and he is not apo sized ?


like all loyalists being able to run a TWC mounted lord with a +3 inv and +2 runic armor sv , overpowered ? even a normal marine hq can get a str 6 relic a bike and boost it with a +3inv +2 artificier armor save.


Skarbrand? No I didn't know that.


You definitely don't need to tell me about how overpowered the loyalist HQ's can be, especially compared to ours. I'm one of the biggest advocates for us getting that treatment too, you should know this by now....

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