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Melta delivery units


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Pg 78 of the DV rulebook under Transports states that "only Infantry can embark on Transports (this does not include Jump or Jet Pack Infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise." No cramming Raptors and Warp Talons into Land Raiders.

Correct. I forgot about this exception to the general rule about infantry/jump infantry when I posted my reply. Anyway, the fact there is an exception proves by general rule jump infantry follows the rules of infantry for the purpose of Master of Deception.


I threw the MoD question into the Central Texas Wargaming forum, because that's usually where the biggest rules lawyers hang out, and none of them could provide a RAW counterargument to it. They seemed a bit puzzled as to why one would bother to Infiltrate Jump Infantry because of the "no charge on arrival" mechanic, but it seems perfectly legal to do so by RAW.


We aren't concerned about charging with them on turn 1 (at least not in this topic :jaw: ) but to be in melta range on the first turn and MoD plus the 12" raptor movement allows it.

Personally I think RAW it's pretty clear (with the only exception being the transports). If toy check the tables at the end of ruleyou see every jump infantry model is marked as Infantry , Jump.

In the same way Characters are market as Infantry, Character. No one thinks a character is not an infantry model because it has the character rule in addition to the infantry classification. :jaw:


I think it's a fair interpetation, in fact very fair since it does not break RAW.

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Not really wanting to piss on anyone's parade, but while raptors -can- infiltrate due to master of deception, the Infiltrate special rule says you have to be -more- than 18" away from any enemy unit with LoS to your squad. So, unless you can hide them from your intended target, raptors won't be able to move 12" AND be within 6" for melta double dice range. If you -can- hide them though, go ahead and pop that armour! :)


Frankly though, a better use of the MoD warlord trait is plopping huge blobs of cultists or a terminator death-star unit in front of the enemy and watching them sweat/waste shots while all your other units get into position to bring the pain and carry the game.

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I usually run a unit of bikes with two meltas and a slaneesh lord/sorcerer on steed for infiltrating outflanking. The opponent is usually VERY mindfull about his deployment and first turn movement, and this gives me an advantage. For added fun, you can make the sorcerer a Lvl 3 and roll on Telepathy for invisibillity =) Very expensive, but 3+ 2++ cover and 5+ FnP is VERY hard to deal with.
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the Infiltrate special rule says you have to be -more- than 18" away from any enemy unit with LoS to your squad. So, unless you can hide them from your intended target, raptors won't be able to move 12" AND be within 6" for melta double dice range.


But this is rather easy to do. There is always terrain around.


Troubles comes when the valuable targets are bubble wrapped (which should add ~4" around those valuables units and provide them cover). Which isn't too troublesome as raptors are the good unit to deal with the good bubble wrapping units.

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the Infiltrate special rule says you have to be -more- than 18" away from any enemy unit with LoS to your squad. So, unless you can hide them from your intended target, raptors won't be able to move 12" AND be within 6" for melta double dice range.


But this is rather easy to do. There is always terrain around.


Troubles comes when the valuable targets are bubble wrapped (which should add ~4" around those valuables units and provide them cover). Which isn't too troublesome as raptors are the good unit to deal with the good bubble wrapping units.


It's quite easy indeed, especially for models that ignores terrain when they move. Obviously there will always be situations where you cannot use this strategy but it occurs with most strategies :)


Just consider it is an additional benefit you can get by MoD. I never considered it an all situation tactic. In fact I just had the idea by thinking about alternative melta delivery options. :)

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the Infiltrate special rule says you have to be -more- than 18" away from any enemy unit with LoS to your squad. So, unless you can hide them from your intended target, raptors won't be able to move 12" AND be within 6" for melta double dice range.


But this is rather easy to do. There is always terrain around.

Unless you went to my LGS, forgot to bring terrain and you happen to be on the flat table that doesn't even have hills. :)

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ay . terrain can never be a balancing factor . in one shop/club/tournament you will be using terrain with building with windows or WFB terrain [not tall enough to totaly block LoS] and in other you will get huge LoS walls of terrain sometimes even made impassible .
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