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Disembarking from transport


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Hi guys


I feel really stupid asking this but I've not had many games of 6th yet and none of those games had transports in use.


Do I read BRB page 79 correctly when it says that a unit can only disembark if the vehicle has moved a mere 6"?


What about an open topped fast skimmer like a landspeeder storm, or a stormraven? Surely these fast vehicles dedicated to high speed troop delivery cannot be limited to the same speed as an ork truk that has been enginered to run like a clown car? Seems silly to me.


Please can someone clarify how far fast vehicles can move and still disembark troops. Page numbers would be much appreciated.


Thanks folks



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Just one more reason why transports suck in 6th.


Not really, the flat out move means that over two turns you travel the same total distance before disembarking. and at least when you do disembark you have a much larger radius to do it in... You've actually moved future in total not less... And you don't stand about waiting for templates to hit you either...

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