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Zerks or Basic Marines?

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Playing A World Eater or potentially Khorne warband..


Currently trying to decide between World Eaters or an 8 man Chaos marine squad with CCW and MoK


Berzerker Champion with Power Fist, 7 Berzerkers, Veterans of the Long War, 1 with Icon of Wrath

Aspiring Champion with Power Fist, Bolt Pistol, 7 Chaos Marines with Close Combat Weapons, Bolt Pistols, all with Mark of Khorne, 1 with Icon of Wrath


Zerks come in at 185 points, CSM's come in at 175 points...


Is 10 points a worthwhile investment for WS5 per model? From previous experience I'd think so... But I'm here asking an opinion. Also. Berzerkers are kitted with VotLW. CSM's are not yet. Bringing CSM's to 183 points.



I feel as though I've answered my own question.

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I honestly will not be going with berserkers because Furious Charge is great but MY Khorne Marines get access to Heavy and Special weapons. :ph34r:


It's up to you though, it depends on what you want out of your troops/elites. I can't really suggest generics with Mark of Khorne over Berserkers because my strategies are undoubtedly different than yours and the way they play can be very different.


My best estimate is that Berserkers are best for rhino rushing into attack and Khorne-marked marines are better for RR'ing forward into taking objectives and holding them.


I honestly think that Chaos Marine Squads benefit most from Mark of Nurgle but since I don't like Nurgle, and the only other god I'd pick is Tzeentch, I'll suffer losses with Khorne Marines. :P

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The biggest advantage I see with Khorne CSMs is the ability to take some kind of meaningful ranged weapon. Plasma pistols are grossly overpriced but taking a pair of meltaguns instead is both cheaper and better. While transports are not nearly as common, they're still in the game and having the ability open them up before charging is nice. Plus it can help kill off a few terminators or take a wound off of an MC prior to the charge.
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Remember this too, they are Chaos SPACE MARINES, if you give them Mark of Khorne (Rage + Counter-attack) with CCW's, and you dont get them to close combat, you're wasting half of their function.


To me, give that squad a heavy weapon! Give them a missle launcher or heavy bolter for when you need to put down a few extra guys per shooting phase or take out an errant jetbike. Or you can take two plasma guns, two meltagun, or a flamer and autocannon, or a meltagun and a Lascannon.


And then when you do get there, you can just sling the heavy weapons and pull out those combat knives and get to it.


I just wish you could purchase chainaxes/swords instead of the simple CCW upgrades, to me if you're up against Orks, Tyranids, Imperial Guard, or Eldar, you should take those chainaxes.

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Playing A World Eater or potentially Khorne warband..


Currently trying to decide between World Eaters or an 8 man Chaos marine squad with CCW and MoK


Berzerker Champion with Power Fist, 7 Berzerkers, Veterans of the Long War, 1 with Icon of Wrath

Aspiring Champion with Power Fist, Bolt Pistol, 7 Chaos Marines with Close Combat Weapons, Bolt Pistols, all with Mark of Khorne, 1 with Icon of Wrath


Zerks come in at 185 points, CSM's come in at 175 points...


Is 10 points a worthwhile investment for WS5 per model? From previous experience I'd think so... But I'm here asking an opinion. Also. Berzerkers are kitted with VotLW. CSM's are not yet. Bringing CSM's to 183 points.



I feel as though I've answered my own question.


I think your points are off. For your berzerker squad I'm getting 210 points, not 185.

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CSM Pros: Special Weapons (Flamers are my choice)


Zerkers Pros: WS 5, Fearless


So, in my book, if they have an attached fearless guy, like Khârn, then go CSM, else go Zerkers for fearless


WS 5 is nice for some cases, and flamers are nice for others, so that is a hard compare, I'd really say just go CSM if you can afford to lose fearless ie: if there is a Lord attached

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how about you mix it up and consider the natural progression of the marines in a khorne warband.


they start out as CSM with the MOK. some of them are able to keep the rage somewhat in check, so they become chosen or termies with the MOK, some loose the struggle with sanity and become zerkers. and each kind of unit has their pros and cons, mixing it up and using the advantages of each unit is IMO a lot better then zerking out and ending up staring at a land raider like a pig into a clock work for lack of melta guns :)

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