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My first LRC

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They say that the best weapon is the one that you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree! I prefer... the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how The Emperor did it, that's how Helbrect does it... and it's worked out pretty well so far. I humbly present Steel Tormentor:











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It looks like an early Van Halen pattern model to me!!! I like it very much! :)



haha I thought the same. Great tank though. Because you've painted grit onto the tracks I'd have liked to have seen more weathering on the hull. Check out my tutorial




That's a great tutorial. I think I might try it out on a rhino first, and if I get the hang of it, I'll put it on my second LRC that I just ordered from my LGS.


The treads are done in Mourn Mountain Snow from the new basing/texture paints. I like the idea of a snowy world, why should Space Wolves have all the fun. I just have this image of a bunch of black armored behemoths advancing on The Lich King for some reason.


The "Van Halen" stripes are intentional. It's something of a trademark of mine, you can see the same work on my drop pods in the background on one of the photos (I have tons of Van Halen painted stuff IRL, I'm a HUGE Van Halen fan). It's done with 1/4" painters tape (I found mine at a local craft store, but it can be found via google too). Basically you paint the "stripes" as a base coat, and then you mask off where you want stripes, apply the next layer (either the top coat, or a second stripe color) and when it's done you use an exacto knife to pull the edges of the tape up and tear it off. LET IT DRY OVERNIGHT BEFORE YOU DO THIS, just to be safe. Oh, and cut the tape with a scissors, don't rip it, you want nice clean edges on your stripes.

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They say that the best weapon is the one that you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree! I prefer... the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how The Emperor did it, that's how Helbrect does it... and it's worked out pretty well so far. I humbly present Steel Tormentor:



i see what you did there with the Tony Stark in Iron Man 1 quote :tu:



personally i think you should take a stab at highlighting the black, and perhaps ease up on the weathering on the tracks


but thats just me ^^



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