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Fist or Axe?

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Fists? Or Axes?


I'm creating a new W.E warband. My Aspiring Champions are mutated, and chances are I'm going to be counting as for things...Should it be fists? Or axes?


Axes seem redundant in comparison to fists...you get +3S over Axes with fists...which does allow you to punch tanks.

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It just seems the best option..


Power Swords = AP3...ehh

Maces = AP4. but +2 S..which is alright. Let's be honest

Axes = AP2 which is good, and S5 (6 on the charge w/Icon) Which is devastating. Except initiative 1.

Fist = AP2 and S8 (9on charge w/ Icon) and allows tank hunting ability with like, 4 attacks. It just does what an axe does, except better.

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Default choice should be sword. This is because of forced challenges and the most common opponents being some type of MEQ.

Axes are the best killers of 1W MEQs and TEQs thanks to the extra attack over fists.

Fists are there to kill vehicles, MCs and T4 multi wound model.

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It's simple you always take the Power Fist over a Power Weapon even it is an Axe.

Care to explain why? I'd be interested.


Power axe combines with the pistol for +1A, fist does not.


You already have +1S for FC, so the sword may be a good option to strike at I in challenges.

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