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Codex Marines Test Mini #2


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I've been wanting to do a Codex standard army for some time, but have been struggling with a color scheme that I find interesting.

I just finished this model the other night, and while a real pain in the butt to paint, I do like it.


So what do you all think?

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I know that feeling about painting white. It's always a pain in the butt when it comes to my sergeants. ;)


However, I really like the color scheme, though I must admit I absolutely LOVE halved or quartered schemes but never found one for me. Yours is very well executed, you have a nice rich red and a good contrast with the white part (and painting the rims in the other color is a very nice touch, too!)


However, there's one thing to criticize - I don't see why you painted the hazardous stripes on the chainsword red. While I like hazardous stripes in general, painting them yellow would add a little variety to the mini.


However, keep it up!

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I'd say that between the halved scheme, the checkers on the leg and the hazard stripes, there's already plenty of variety going on. I think yellow would make the model too busy, and draw away from the excellent synergy created by the three bold colours. The checkers on the leg especially are a nice touch, brings it back to the Rogue Trader style of armour decoration which I love, so you get a thumbs up from me. Like the others have said, the base could use some work, but you've got the right idea of using a dark base to offset the brightness of the model.
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Hey thanks all for such fast replies!


The base isn't finished yet, so that is not a concern as of yet.


I agree that yellow would be too busy, which is why I went red and black for the hazards, I think I may try a checkered pattern to see how it turns out.

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I'd loose the checkers, make yellow hazard stripes instead of red (Storm Giant-ish looking scheme, though), but thats just me.

Also consider doing purity seal wax in non-red color.


Besides these little suggestions, model looks great and army will shine on the board.



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very nice, but i just shudder at the amount of time each mini would take (and my eyes are getting bad, so i could never do fiddly stuff like that and make it look good as that.


but if you are comfy with that level then those would be contenders for best army at tourneys i believe.

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Looking really nice lilltbitz! Very impressive test mini indeed. What are you planning to do for the base?


The halving looks really clean and powerful, my respect to you for going with that challenge as I've tried doing halving schemes myself with random minis, so I know how difficult it is, especially with white!


I agree with not adding any yellow to the scheme as it would rob the vibrancy of the pairing of the white and red.


Can't wait to hopefully see more! ;)



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Don't do it.


The mini is lovely but you'll want to kick yourself in the nuts after finishing your first tactical squad. Although red is now a much easier color to paint than it was 10 years ago (man, inks.. egads..) it's still not an easy color.


Painting white for me is about as enjoyable as sticking a teaspoon up my nose.


For the sake of your sanity, I'd recommend going with a different second color. Blue, green, dark purple, black go very well with red.. Red/dark purple would look ace.

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Okay, got a question for you (well maybe two) ... have you considered how the Sergeants and Officers will look? How with they vary the theme. With my Sons of Pyron, another red/white theme ... theme affected eyes, badges and alot of other things I never considered when I first came up with my color pattern. Just some things to consider before you continue to make this outstanding design into an army.
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Thanks again guys,

Right now I'm just playing around with bits in my bits box, and painting up some minis. So I'm not exactly sure how far I'm going to go with it.

Here is no. 2 however...


Just a flamer guy, with a bolt pistol.

I know some of the highlights still need work, and the bases are unfinished, but if I flesh this out to a full army, I need to figure out how to do it without poking my eyes out with a brush...

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I enjoyed this one much better then the first one. Checkers fit very nicely here, but I still think it needs some contrasting colour (yellow, purple, light green or even light blue), like here. I've actually mistaken the name of the chapter in my first reply, they're Storm Lords, sorry for that.


How much time do you roughly spend on 1 guy?

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right now I'm at about 5 hours a guy. That's with breaks, and allowing some time for inks to dry.


That's strictly paint time, not including the modelling.


I like the idea of the black rimmed base.


Hmm... I was looking at that Boogey, when I was thinking of color schemes, and didn't do the yellow helmets, as I thought it didn't look right. I don't know that I want another color, other than the occasional splash here and there, which will be model dependent, i.e. the laurels on the 2nd model.

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