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Lords and Detatchments

Commander Krag

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Page 110 of pocket rulebook:

... if you're playing a game of 2000 points or more, you can take an additional primary detachment.


Reading this, secondary detachment are allies, so you can't have Noise Marines in secondary detachment any way. So yes, single Lord with MoS means up to 12 Noise Marines squads.

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Just went over the rules earlier. There are no secondary detachments. Only primary and allied, at 2000 points you get a second primary and a second allied detachment. It says you may choose your warlord from either primary detachment which kinda cements that. Reading it though I don't think you can use a lord in one primary detachment to get cult troops in another primary detachment. But aside from fielding 7+ units of the same cult troop why would you need to? And why outside of apocalypse would you ever want or need to field over 6 units of the same cult?
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But does it also unlock them as troops if they are in another detatchment? Like in 2000pts and up?


You answered your own question:

From what I can see, the general consensus is that only a marked chaos lord in you primary detatchment unlocks the coresponding elite choice as troops.


The Lord makes them troops in the detachment he is in:


You play at 2000pts, with 2 detachments.


Primary 1: MoT Sorceror, MoK Lord: TS and KB are troops in this detachment

Primary 2: MoS Lord, MoN Lord: PM and NM are troops in this detachment.


Taking them as allies:


Lord: MoN, Plague marines are still elites, as this is an allied detachment, not a primary detachment.

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"In a primary detachemnt that inludes Chaos Lord with:

[three bullets like this]Mark of XXX, YYY units are troop choices instead of elites."

It is written the same way for Soreceres with MoTz and named characters.

So Lord only unlocs cult units in a detachment he is in.

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