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Tzeentch Daemons rule


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I played a few games in a campaign weekend today. My army has a sorcerer, 2 units of Thousand Sons, some Oblits and then maxed out daemon allies.


After three games today I have to say that the Sons have achieved squat, they die way too easily to massed shooting. The Daemons have been really great.

My flamers almost single handedly destroyed a ork stompa.


At this point I'm looking at the Thousand Sons and thinking I should really drop them entirely and play Tzeentch Daemons instead ;)

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I played a few games in a campaign weekend today. My army has a sorcerer, 2 units of Thousand Sons, some Oblits and then maxed out daemon allies.


After three games today I have to say that the Sons have achieved squat, they die way too easily to massed shooting. The Daemons have been really great.

My flamers almost single handedly destroyed a ork stompa.


At this point I'm looking at the Thousand Sons and thinking I should really drop them entirely and play Tzeentch Daemons instead ;)


That doesn't even sound right. An ork stompa? What point value was it? Even terminators die to massed shooting.

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I played a few games in a campaign weekend today. My army has a sorcerer, 2 units of Thousand Sons, some Oblits and then maxed out daemon allies.


After three games today I have to say that the Sons have achieved squat, they die way too easily to massed shooting. The Daemons have been really great.

My flamers almost single handedly destroyed a ork stompa.


At this point I'm looking at the Thousand Sons and thinking I should really drop them entirely and play Tzeentch Daemons instead ;)



I'm not surprised, the flavor of the month army list is a Tzeentch heavy daemon list that relies heavily on flamers and screamers. Considering their recent buffs, these squads are awesome at slaughtering light and heavy infantry, vehicles, pretty much everything.

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Yeah, I have to say that Flamers and Screamers are the shizzle!


Even the Horrors have earned their keep.


On the other hand the Rubrics have been really disappointing, I think maybe if I got them rhinos they might have been slightly better. One of the main problems is that they virtually never get the chance to shoot at their prime target (space marines in the open) because every opponent knows what they do. So far they seem to get hosed down with shooting and then tied up in combat with fast stuff like bikes.

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Your Thousand Sons are either taking a disproportionately more fire, you're expecting them to play some different sort of role, or your dice are terrible. Against AP4 to 6 weaponry the TS are equally as survivable as the Flamers - Flamers have twice the wounds, but half the save.


Against AP3 weapons TS is still more durable from a higher ward and flamers will suffer from instant death on S8 weapons.

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Uh, they don't any more. They just get Daemon, which refers to Daemon in the rulebook, which is just a 5+ invulnerable and Fear.


Their codex still grants the EW rule and codex trumps BRB. They'll probably lose it with a new book or gets a points increase.

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Uh, they don't any more. They just get Daemon, which refers to Daemon in the rulebook, which is just a 5+ invulnerable and Fear.


The FAQ say that all Daemons in the DoC-codex benefit from both the Daemon-rule in their own codex (Eternal Warrior, Fearless and Daemonic Assault) , as well as the Daemon rule in the BRB (5++, Fear).

Not only does this mean that DoC-Daemons get to keep their Eternal Warrior and Fearless, but also gives the Soulgrinder a 5++ and Fear.

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