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Would this be acceptable?


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Hi all,


I have a warhammer beastman army that I have never used. I was thinking about converting it into a daemon world army. Obviously it would need a lot off GS armour and weapon moding but I was thinking of the following:


Gors & ungors = cultists.

Bestigors = chosen.

Minotaurs = mutilators.

Ghorgon = maulerfiend.


What do my fellow chaos lords think?

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if you can make it believable and understandable of what's what, sure! Beastmen are in the 40k universe, though they have never had they're own codex and they've taken a bit of a back stage lately. That being said, beastmen are known to live in the eye of terror so what's saying they can't be an army?
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I'm usually all for count-as, but this seem abit difficult to pull trough.


But as long as you play in a friendly environment and stay away from GW-arranged tournaments, you should be fine.

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if you can make it believable and understandable of what's what, sure! Beastmen are in the 40k universe, though they have never had they're own codex and they've taken a bit of a back stage lately. That being said, beastmen are known to live in the eye of terror so what's saying they can't be an army?


Seem to remember there being one in the Inquisitor Trilogy by Ian Watson when Jaq Draco et al go to the Eye of Terror... Great book.



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As long as you can tie it back into what the units are supose to be in some easy identifiable way then its ok. Its easier to do this with Traitor IG as almost all the units the codex use the same model. So its kinda of welcome to see the different units have different looking models. I kinda have a traitor IG WIP (chaneled it more into chaos army once i learned about cultists) and the higher up in rank a guard was the more 'gifted he was.' So that being said, members of command squads were beast men like. Used the legs (cut torso off) of gors, chest of guard trooper and gun, and beastman head. Its beast man cause the legs and head, but easiliy identifiable as to what it is by the trooper chestplate and lasgun/special weapon. Contrast this with the basic traitor guards (platoons squads and what not) that are just evil looking cadians with very minor mutations and suddenly you have a converted 'counts as' army thats easy for your opponent to follow.


So long story short, make sure your opponent can follow what you did and life is good.

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