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Drop Pods


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From the BA FAQ


Q: Can you use a Drop Pod on its own, with no squad inside? (p32)

A: Yes you can.



That means that i can take 3 Pods and deploy the two filled ones on my first round, and keep the empty one in reserves. So my question is, isnt it a good idea to take a 3rd empty Pod just to be able to DS the other two on my first round? If you are struggling with points and you dont really need a 3rd Podded unit, you can take just for 35pts an empty Pod which can block something, provide a cover etc etc.


Has anyone tried it or gave it a thought?

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I'm pretty sure you need to buy it as a dedicated transport as part of a unit. Actually having the unit in it is up to you, but it just can'r be bought by itself. Have your devastators or shooty dread buy it then just deploy them on the field so the empty pod can add to how many others can drop turn 1
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You can drop the empty pod in-between an opponent and an objective/key terrain in order to screen them off--- either gotta kill the Pod or go around, either way you've slowed them down.

Doesn't even need to be an empty pod to do that, just means you're not risking a unit if you do. I can fully attest that this works... if you want to see it in action then go dig out my batrep thread; there's a game where I absolutely shaft a Grey Knight army with that tactic by creating a bottleneck.

One reservation - make sure you don't give away an easy first blood with that plan.

+EDIT+ Grabbed the photo - CAG's tactic in action


My opponent with GKs has castled his army in between the ruin and the fortress of redemption. We're playing Emperor's Will, objectives are in the two ruins (mine with tac marines, his directly opposite). I've landed the pod slap in the middle. Land raider now has to go through terrain to get round, and there's only enough space for the razors to come through that gap one at a time, and doing so will expose them to my devastators on the left flank. Essentially, that drop pod is ruining his chances at getting near my objective by slowing down all his fast elements, and there's too many BA to deal with to waste a unit to deal with the pod.

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