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I'm making a black legion army.


was wondering how to make a fluffy black legion force but still can win the occasional game.


i currently own the dark vengeance box but I don't planing on using the chosen


thanks Warmammer

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Go through the Chaos Army Lists subforum and pick a list, any list. If Jeske has approved it, then it is a highly competitive list and according to him and a few others, all you can build from this Codex is a Black Legion fluffy list.
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Go through the Chaos Army Lists subforum and pick a list, any list. If Jeske has approved it, then it is a highly competitive list and according to him and a few others, all you can build from this Codex is a Black Legion fluffy list.






Alternativly fall in love with a warband/legion, spend all your time modeling them and let the competitive concerns take a back seat. 1K sons im looking at you :D

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Go through the Chaos Army Lists subforum and pick a list, any list. If Jeske has approved it, then it is a highly competitive list and according to him and a few others, all you can build from this Codex is a Black Legion fluffy list.






Alternativly fall in love with a warband/legion, spend all your time modeling them and let the competitive concerns take a back seat. 1K sons im looking at you :D


Nooooo don't pick 1ksons, we 1ksons like being special and not like everyone else! Don't make 1ksons cool!

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LOL, GW would never let that happen - I mean even Slaanesh gets more developer support, we only have useless options and a ridiculously cumbersome gun while you guys dont even get useful sorcerers in the cult squad or a decent lore.


Its like Noise Marines going acoustic ;)


1K sons will always be played for coolz and thats cool by me B)

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