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Yup, abaddon is as BL as you can get.


But it depends, most characters needs synergy with the armylistm otherwise they are a bit of a wasted. So think of the units you like best, and think of a character that works well with those units.

Or the other way around, pick the character you like best, and think of units that make him work optimal. So abaddon doesnt need much to work best, just give him a bodyguard in a landraider and get some AT and troop choices, and let him roll over your opponents.

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One question about Huron:


What do you guys plan on doing with him during the actual game?

What kind of unit would you stick him into?


I like plague marines as PA HQ escorts. Durable, come stock with ubergrit and are the best option for harder hitting I1 weapons.

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