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Biker champs

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I'm putting together some dark vengeance bikers as ruberic bikers, and on te chanpion I'm wondering what to give him. As we champions of chaos, I'm not sure about giving him a fist or an axe, yes they can both get through 2+ saves and handle tougher opponents, yet they strike last, and as we always ave to challenge, they could gt killed easily by a carecter with a power sword or lightning claws before they get to strike.

I'm not taking mark of Tzeentch, as it is worthless on anything that does not already have an invunerable, and 6+ is just, well, pointless.

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agree on the MoT.


You could consider power sword + meltabombs. You can't handle TEQ, but everything else you can, with a reasonable chance on winning. Since TDA is often slow, and bikers fast, it should be no feat at all to stay away from them. Kit these out with any special weapon, and they still perform. Just let somethng else handle TEQ.


Alternatively you could kit him out to hunt TDA, with an axe and plasma weapons, but it's a very specific unit then, so i like the first option best.

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If a character rides with the unit -> nothing at all. The champion only exists to keep the character out of challenges.


Otherwise -> The champion will propably still die in forced challenges so equipment is pretty optional IMO.


A combi-weapon is a possibility for both however.

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To be honest, I'm not sure about axes and fists. The Initiative 1 just glares out at me. At least at your own Initiative you have a chance of just of going first. Instant Death or great AP just doesn't look all that appealing if your champ already died due to someone with a power sword hitting first.
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I admit I had not thought of the spear, most of my opponents are power armored (of both the loyalist and fellow legion varietys) and whilst powerful on the charge, it after wards has the weakness of both the sword and the mace, which is a shame as the idea of tousadn son bikers with spears is cool, but so are the other weapons :)

I'm leaning towards the sword as that strikes at I4 and cuts through power armour and the bikers have the mobility to avoid 2+ saves generally, will give him possible melta bombs and a combi melta as well, as his unit will have either two melta guns or one melta gun and one flamer.

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