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My eyes are red.. but my armor?.. is green... with envy


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Hi all,


Here is a summary of the last batch of Dark Angels Rumors; copy/pasted from BOLS - Faeit's 40k Rumors.


DeathwingHonor Guard Terminator squad unlocked by select HQs (Belial - others???). One such unit per HQ, only one may carry a Chapter Banner. Other banners exist however. Models are W:2 WS/BS:5 Non-scoring. Can take Apothecary.

Elite Terminators are W:1, WS/BS:5. Unit has new CC options neverbefore seen on termys. Unit size max of 5. Vanguard Strike upon Deepstriking!

Troops Terminators are standard DW. Sergeant may upgrade to to Chaplain. Can take new options such as Plasma Cannon. Up to 10 models per unit. No more Cyclone/CC option on single models. Mix of CC and Ranged models still permitted withing unit.

RavenwingRW Command Squad is only unlocked by select HQ characters. One banner option for RW. No apothecary for RW, with a "Mini-Chaplain" upgrade instead. This option provide a Litanies buff his unit only.

Troop RW squad matches the current RW bike squad, minus the Speeder.

RW Attack Bikes - plasma gunner optionRW Land Speeders - plasma gunner option



HQ:Azrael - Artificer or Terminator options. New model. Lions Helm grants 3+ Inv., Lion's Wrath grants Gets Hot rerolls (army-wide?), Master crafted Plasma Blaster (see Horus Heresy book?), Sword of Secrets is Sx2 Master Crafted Power weapon. Watcher in the Dark model is W:1 5+ Inv, with no other stats. It cannot be targeted by anything including blasts, and must stay within 2" of Azrael or is removed. Watcher can take Look Out Sirs.

Belial - Terminator armor. New model. Eternal Warrior 2+ Inv!!! Grants Elites Deathwing Termys Heroic Intervention if he is attached. Cannot take options, Master Crafted Strombolter. Sword of Secrets is a Relic Blade with an additional effect. Belian grants a buff to Termys within 6".

Sammael - If mounted in his Speeder, unlocks scoring Speeders. Can also take his normal bike.

Azmodai - Current model (finecast) Unlocks no units. His Litanies grants a longer ranged more potent buff.

Ezekiel - Current model (finecast), Psyker Level 3

Barakiel - Master of the Forge. Armed with a "Reaper Cannon" - 36" S:5 Assault (6 or 12?) AP:3 Extremely Expensive in points.

Librarian - Power Level 1 (upgrade to 2)Company Master - Power Armor, or Terminator armorInterrogator ChaplainCommand/Honor squad Terminators or Bikes with Belial or Sammael respectively, Apothecary, Standard bearer, 1x Heavy weapon upgrades. W:2 regardless of armor, or bikes.

Elites:Chaplains / Brother-Interrogators - Unit size 1-3. Chaplain style death masks, dual bolt pistols and power maul. (can upgrade pistols). B-I have an increased BS over regular chaplains and can operate independantly as IC or join units, B-I only buff the unit they join with litanies (more potent version), while non-upgraded chaplains buff a 6" bubble. B-I are only characters if independent, and cannot leave attached units (similar to Wolfguard).

Inner Circle Unit Terminator armor. W:1, Heroic Intervention if Belial is attached to the unit. WS/BS 5. They get a cover save upon deepstriking. "Lion-themed" visually. Entire unit can purchase Sergeant upgrades. No heavy weapons, Unit max size:5. Categorized as Deathwing Assault Unit

Dreadnought - Venerable and Mortis options. Categorized as Deathwing Assault Unit.

Scouts - Land Speeder Storm as dedicated transport. "Markerlight" effect targets one enemy unit - other Dark Angels units then get a bonus (reroll to hit?) versus the unit as long as the Scouts are within line of sight to thier "Fallen" target. Teleport Homer. Sergeant Namaan (WOOHOO!!) returns, granting Reserve rerolls to all Death Wing units.





Now the reason I post this is to compare what is speculated to be coming for Dark Angels, and compare that to what was speculated for us, but what we eventually got.


From a pure-rumor standpoint, this Codex sounds amazing.. If they have 20 point raven guard bikers and mixed terminator units, I will be strongly encouraged to use this book to represent my Army on the table.


Will DA get as disapointed at lunch as we were? Or was our Codex surely a "der a der" moment?



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I have been a collector above painter, then gamer for years and years.


When I do game though, I expect my forces to hit the battlefield and kick ass, chew bubble gum... except the bubble gum is the bones of the Imperial dogs!


I paint to about an 8 standard on CMON, layering and wet blending. Love the game for the fluff, and models, the novels.. etc..


But power armor is power armor in many ways.. Chaos Dark Angels do exist thankfully :cuss


`These Night Lords are actually the Fallen..`

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I still stand by my earlier assessment that we are the 6th ed. tyranids.


"And when all the new codecii and FAQ rulings foam up around their waists, and all the heretics and traitors will look up and shout "save us!" and Phil will look down and whisper "No." They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like Marneus Calgar or Logan Grimnar. Instead they followed the droppings of mutants and daemons and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late."

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I still stand by my earlier assessment that we are the 6th ed. tyranids.


Except that the last Tyranid book was actually good.

:cuss 5th ed nids were not very good- they struggled to de-mech opponents and also suffered badly from the lack of grenades. The feel is exactly the same- 5th ed nids were brand spanking new, and yet they did not take advantage of the new edition rules at all. They did however get all of their shiny options from the past edition nerfed to hell (remember nidzilla?). Sure, they had a few effective units, and a nasty gimmick or two, but beyond that, they were nothing.


I am starting to wonder if GW can actually write decent rules for anything other than loyalists.

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It's okay chaos players, we have another good 4 years of making a count-as army. By then Forge World should have all the legions rules and we all just move from 40k to that instead. Unless they make all the loyalist legions over powered compared to their traitor counter parts. XD


On a serious note though these are just all rumors. We can hold off the complaining till the actual Dark Angels codex hit the shelves.

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I am starting to wonder if GW can actually write decent rules for anything other than loyalists.


They clearly can. The true question is : do they want to ?

Oh, wait, you are right, I forgot Necrons. Yeah, it can be done. :whoops:

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I am starting to wonder if GW can actually write decent rules for anything other than loyalists.


They clearly can. The true question is : do they want to ?

Oh, wait, you are right, I forgot Necrons. Yeah, it can be done. :whoops:


I dont think necrons have DECENT rules... :S

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I still stand by my earlier assessment that we are the 6th ed. tyranids.


"And when all the new codecii and FAQ rulings foam up around their waists, and all the heretics and traitors will look up and shout "save us!" and Phil will look down and whisper "No." They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like Marneus Calgar or Logan Grimnar. Instead they followed the droppings of mutants and daemons and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late."

No! Don't insult Rorschach like that! Never do that to him! I don't care if he is a good guy!


On a side note, what exactly would the Tyranids use for grenades? Plasmaworms? Also, I don't think I've ever even heard of Tyranids and anything even approaching a grenade.

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Drop the hobby, come back in 10 years. Tac Marines will be WS6 BS6 S5 T5 W3 A2 I5 LD10 2+ 4++: 7 points each.


But seriously, I think these rumors are a tad over the top. If they do get this then they will probably pay for it big time. I'm happy to go up against elite low model armies because personally I think they are pretty easy to beat. Then again, GW know that they can sell a s**t load of plastic by doing this.


Oh well, I will stand by the CSM codex to the death (not because I think it's good but because its ours).



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Good for you, Dallas, I am with you. Those that have to work with crap have to become better players, those with the OTT toys become soft and 20 years in the future someone will write dexes that likes chaos and bammo!...we will get ours! :)


it is not the long war for nothing.

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They are over the top, but if even some of this stuff sees the light of day, we Chaos players are going to be sad (and dead) pandas in the face of yet another face-breakingly awesome Ward dex.


I scoffed at the GK rumors, and look how that turned out. :c


On a side note, what exactly would the Tyranids use for grenades? Plasmaworms? Also, I don't think I've ever even heard of Tyranids and anything even approaching a grenade.

Without getting too off-topic, yes, nids get grenades. They are called 'flesh hooks' and you used to be able to get them as an upgrade before they were removed as an option from a lot of units.

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With ALL the plasma floating around DA they will be THE king of Ap2. Meaning that they have a chance to dominate against marines.


As long as they dont get a plasma flamer.. (aka bale flamer) on infantry units.. we could be safe?

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Dont forget that some of the rumours for Chaos were pretty awesome aswell. A flyer that literrly ate flyers.. and it turns out its eats infantry better then flyers.

Take it with a grain of salt, enjoy the CSM dex as you can and want, until the next Ward dex. learn how to counter it, and have fun. Worrying you do enough with work and RL :)


GK was also pretty awesome in the beginning, after a while, i started hearing more often then not that it was easier to beat...

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th i think the main thing wrong with the choas dex is that there is no real hammer unit. theres units that do certain jobs quite well, but nothing that does anything really well. the specialists arn't specialised enough. it sounds like dark angels are getting a lot but i still have doubts. rumour mill has been completely rubbish lately in case anyone hasn't noticed. we can only wait.
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@whythre: that is the most abstract grenade I have ever heard of...


Well then blame GW not him, flesh hooks are indeed a Tyranid biomorph that acts as frag grenades, the fluff is that they help the Tyranid climb over cover and entangle opponents long enough for the Tyranid to get close. So no, the problem is not that Tyranids don't have gunpowder, it's that Cruddace made an oopsie. As did Kelly apparently.

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It doesn't have to have gunpowder to be a grenade. It just needs to act like a grenade. Also I didn't blame him. I simply said that is the most abstract grenade I have ever heard of simply because it doesn't behave like a grenade. More like a shotgun version of Scorpion's "Get Over Here!" snake-spear-thingymajig.
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