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HS slots, how do you use them?

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I am currently playing my Iron warriors and have come across a bit of a hard choice...


In my heavy support slots, I have always liked oblits in the old book (as havocs where not that good) BUT now they are viable.


The question I am posing is, what do you guys use, oblits with MoN or havocs, and if havocs, how do you load them out???


Much thanks

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I pretty much always use one slot for 3 Obliterators /w MoN.


The other 2 slots (I rarely play with more than one FoC, even at 2000-2500 pts) can go to anything: Havoc's, Maulerfiends, Hadesfiends, Las-Preds, Dakka-Preds or Vindicators.

I haven't bothered with Defilers so far in 6th, and I rarely use a HS-slot for a Land Raider.

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If I'm looking at playing an infantry army I go with as many Oblits as I can fit in. If I'm playing Mech it's normally a Defiler, Vindicator and a Pred or second Vindicator(I'm dropping for a EctoFiend or another Defiler once I get them). If I'm running a mixed list with a little of everything I'll go with 1 squad of flakk Havocs and some Oblits if I find the points.
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I might be alone here but I always found Oblits a tad underwhelming for their points cost.


Right now I run two of these;


Havocs x 8

Autocannon x 4




Come out at 164 points each, gives me 8 x BS4 S7 AP4 shots with Ld10 & 3 body bags before I drop Ld to 9 or lose an Autocannon. Break test is at 2 models still but at Ld10 I'm OK with that. I always try to put them in a ruin for a 3+ 4++.


I run allied Screamers right now for things these guys can't pop & I find they work well for their cost popping light transports or just volleying high ROF into stuff, even T5/T6 monsters.



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I might be alone here but I always found Oblits a tad underwhelming for their points cost.


To each his own.

With MoN and in a ruin, I've found them very resilient, and I find their ability to pose a threat to anything in the game (Lascannons one turn, twinlinked plasmaguns the next) invaluable. They've even won me two games so far in 6th.

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I think min havocs with 4 autocannons is the best for the points. MoN Obliterators are good also. That's what I plan on taking right now.


If you have enough armor in other slots, I think a cheap predator is a solid purchase also.


The fiends can be good in the right lists, but I feel you need to build around them and really saturate the board with armor if you go that route.


I'm running an infantry list for an escalation league right now, so I'm sticking with havocs for the cheap dakka.

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I am a fan of the cheap AC havocs but I gotta say I'm leaning towards 4x lascannons instead. These are some cheap! Lascannons and with 2+ being the new hotness, I'd feel safer with the increased killing power.


Hadesfiend is going to be my new default choice. There is little it can't do well.

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I'm gonna try a Hadesfiend in my comming games.

I'll put it in reserve if I don't get to go first however, while deploying it from the start if I do get to go first (while hoping that my opponent fails to seize the initiative.)

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I'm gonna try a Hadesfiend in my comming games.

I'll put it in reserve if I don't get to go first however, while deploying it from the start if I do get to go first (while hoping that my opponent fails to seize the initiative.)


Why not hide it behind some LoS-blocking terrain? This seems like wasting a shooting phase. :)

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I'm gonna try a Hadesfiend in my comming games.

I'll put it in reserve if I don't get to go first however, while deploying it from the start if I do get to go first (while hoping that my opponent fails to seize the initiative.)


Why not hide it behind some LoS-blocking terrain? This seems like wasting a shooting phase. :P


We very seldom use 100% LoS-blocking terrain at my gameclub, and if we do, it's usually in the middle of the battlefield, so it's impossible to hide anything as big as a Forgefiend.

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By the way: What is a good source for autocannons? :)


IG Heavy Weapon Teams on eBay. I cut them off at the top of the barrel & stuck them on converted Heavy Bolter Dev guns. I can post a pic if you like?


PS. 2 points over in my original post they're 162.



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So min havoc squads are preferred over squads with some ablative wounds?


Can't really see why?


I used to take min squads but I came to realise that if you're paying the points for heavy weapons then you probably want them to survive as many turns as possible. 5 man Havocs can take 1 wound before they lose a heavy weapon (assuming you want to sacrifice the sergeant & drop to LD8 - assuming no VoTLW), 1 wound isn't enough for me. For the price of a few body bags the unit just becomes so much more resilient IMO. I want my heavy weapons dug in & a pain in the ar*e, I want him to have to kill 4 marines before he gets to my heavy weapons, I want Ld10. But that's just me. See it as similar to taking MoN on Obliterators.



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