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MoN of MoS on Bikes?


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The new difficult terrain rules with bikes also help Feel no Pain beat toughness 6 I believe.... in addition the Feel no Pain given to a MoS Sorc is a nice anti-perils addition.


Not to mention that FnP is nice to have if you are running dual plasma and keep rolling those ones to hit =)

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The new difficult terrain rules with bikes also help Feel no Pain beat toughness 6 I believe.... in addition the Feel no Pain given to a MoS Sorc is a nice anti-perils addition.


Does FnP even work against perils?


EDIT: BRB says "no saves of any kind allowed".

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The new difficult terrain rules with bikes also help Feel no Pain beat toughness 6 I believe.... in addition the Feel no Pain given to a MoS Sorc is a nice anti-perils addition.


Does FnP even work against perils?


EDIT: BRB says "no saves of any kind allowed".


FnP is not a save, accouring to USR. You can take it for EVERY unsaved wound except for ID.

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The new difficult terrain rules with bikes also help Feel no Pain beat toughness 6 I believe.... in addition the Feel no Pain given to a MoS Sorc is a nice anti-perils addition.


Does FnP even work against perils?


EDIT: BRB says "no saves of any kind allowed".


FnP is not a save, accouring to USR. You can take it for EVERY unsaved wound except for ID.


Nifty. :P

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