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Thousand Sons Sorcerer on Disc


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Over the weekend I attended the 'Spoils of War' campaign weekend run by the Bristol Vanguard club. It was a great event, awesome tables and terrain and really friendly atmosphere.

I was in the Chaos team, playing Thousand Sons. Although the Chaos team faired rather poorly I managed a victory over my hated rival the Space Wolves and to blow up an Ork Stompa in another game, my sorcerer finished it off with Doombolt :).

In the painting competition my converted Sorcerer on a Disc of Tzeentch managed to win the trophy for the hotly contested best HQ slot.

He is converted from the Dark Vengeance lord, with a addition of a greenstuff robe, flaming skull, feather cloak and spell familiar on the shoulder. The disc is made from leftover screamer parts and a combination of greenstuff and miliput. He has magnetised feet so he can hop on and off his disc.

So without further ado here he is.





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Dig the dude's robe, had I not seen the (awesome) base model I'd never have realised you sculpted it. The same goes for the mega-screamer, and the flow of tendrils creates a really horrible effect. The NMM gold is nicely pale and effective. My favourite aspect of the model has to be the cheeky little familiar whispering in his ear though!
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Thanks for the kind words.


I often have to point out my conversions to people unfamiliar with the original models :o


I use lots of allied Tzeentch daemons with my Thousand Sons so I wanted to the Spell Familiar to tie in with them. He's probably whispering 'they are all out to get you boss' in the sorcerers earpiece.

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