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Tournament Battle Reports


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Hey guys!

So I took my Blood Angels to a 4man-team-tournament this weekend. It’s one of the biggest tournies in sweden with 33 teams this year, and there were some really good players around. Before the games, the team captains would meet and try to get good matchups for their team, so not all the lists had to be allrounders. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very good at taking pictures, but 3/5 games got one so you can at least see the terrain and get a better idea about the course of the games. I'll post the reps as I write them, so if I forgot something or if you have suggestions, post them here so I can implement them :D



Due to restrictions I ended up with the following list:


- Mephiston

- 5x Sanguinary Guard (2x Axe 3x Sword), Banner

- Sanguinary Priest, JP, Power Axe

- 8x ASM, Melta, Power Axe & Meltabombs

- 9x ASM, Melta, Power Axe & Meltabombs

- 10x Tacticals, ML, Plasmagun, Stormbolter

- 5x Devastator, 4x ML

- Stormraven, MM,AC,HB



Good news ahead: I didn’t have to face any daemons or necrons, which were very numerous and for some reason overpowered, despite respectively because of the restrictions (they are apparently not yet balanced for 6th edition). My list did not like meeting armies with 2+ saves, but we intended to work around that with the matchup system.


Game 1: BA vs. Orcs


His list was not too dangerous, it looked something like this:


- Waaghboss with 2+/5++ armor, powerklaw and 5 big orcs in 2+ armors in a truck

- HQ with Shokk attack gun and a grotscreen

- 2x 7 dakkaorks (D3 shots per guy, S7)

- 7 orks with ML

- 3x 15 boyz, only 1 powerklaw though

- an ork-dreadnaught

- 3 grot missile launchers, 3 grot mortars

- 2 buggys with ML, 3 buggys with heavy bolter equivalent


Deployment was along long table edges. There were 2 mission objectives worth 6 VPs, deployed in the opponents deployment zone. Slay the warlord, first blood and linebreaker were worth 1 point. He put his objective near the center and I placed mine in the far corner to string him out.

He gave me first turn, I combad-squaded my tacticals and loaded 5 guys without special weapons in the raven to score. He put the powerclaw mob and all buggys in reserve. I rolled move through cover(ruins) and stealth(ruins) as my warlord trait – the table was full of ruins, so this was perfect. Here’s a picture after my first movement phase.



Turn 1:

BA: Since he had deployed his dangerous 2+ save unit in the far corner to protect his objective, I decided to mop up his right flank first. I guess I should have moved the rightmost assault squad further up to the hill, but I was a bit afraid of his shokk-attack gun. Devastators tried to kill a grot-ML but failed.


Ork: He moved his truck up my left flank, and hid behind the “phi”-building. I lost 2 guys on my right assault squad from the mortars and they got pinned. Luckily, they subsequently failed their morale check and fell back 8 inches, which enabled them to act normally in my turn – could have been worse.




Turn 2:

BA: Raven turns up. Mephi and SG jump over the building to engage the dread and the lootas (and the grot mortars if possible). The left assault squad moves away from his waaghboss and the truck, I don’t want to engage that yet. Rightmost ASM try to move up and engage the missile launchers, but need one more turn.

The devastators destroy the trucks gun and stun it, so the boss won’t go far in his turn – success. Raven kills the shooty squad on the right with ease, which saves him from further harm. Sanguinary guard kill all but 1 ML, who runs away – not good, I wanted to multicharge the grot mortars. The SG then pulls of a 12’’ charge on the lone loota and the mortars though, no harm done :) Mephi on the other hand fails a 8’’ charge on the dread even though he’s fleet, which unfortunately dooms my SG to death by dreadnaught.


Ork: All his stuff turns up from reserves. He places the mob in the middle and his buggys to the left. The boss disembarks and moves up toward the action, missile launchers kill 2 more marines on the the right and the dread chops up my sanguinary guard. Mephi takes a wound from shooting (dakkaorks target him for some reason instead of the SR), SR survives all missiles.


Turn 3:




BA: Raven swoops to the left to deal with his boss, I have to start decimating him now. ASM on the left move up to deal with the freshly arrived mob, mephi tries to kill the dread.

ASM shoot the mob and kill a staggering amount of boyz, they break and run off the table – this is bad, I’m now surly in charge range of his HQ. The stormraven does his thing and hits everyhing (including 2 missiles), gets the boss down to 1 wound and kills 2 nobs. Devas shoot some orcs in the blob to the left. Mephi charges the dread and FAILS his sword, takes only 1 wound in return though, I’m not happy with him. I kill the grot missile launchers with my right ASM squad.


Orcs: He moves his dakka-buggys to kill my tacticals on the objective, and moves up his 1hullpoint truck to block LOS from my devas to them. Boss walks towards my tacticals. Shooting brings the right ASM squad down to 2 and kills 1 tactical. Mephi mans up and obliterates the dread, the boss charges and gets challenged by my heroic and suicidal sergeant.. The sanguinary priest manages to take out another nob and my 3 surviving guys (including the priest) actually break. Since he can’t pursue, I automatically get away, good for me.


The game was basically over by then. I continued to mop up his stuff on the left side with mephi (he ended up with 1 wound left) and the raven, the ASM with the priest killed some buggys and the ASM on the right eventually died. The game went on until turn 7, where he was left with a handful of grots and the shokk gun while I had both objectives thanks to the 5 guys in the raven. The most noticeable thing were the devastators killing the truck standing in front of them, losing 2 men in the explosion and running off the table...


18-2 win for BA


NEXT: Worst case scenario - nurgle termies with typhus, 2+ armor everywhere!

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Awesome thread!! I'm looking forward to more :P Plus I can't wait to see how those SangGuard did, I've been so tempted to include exactly that unit in my larger-point lists now that they can have both axes & swords.


Edit: OH I remember now, this is the list from the subforum where I ranted about the silly extra-restrictions lol. I'm really really curious now to see what opponents came up with for lists too.

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Edit: OH I remember now, this is the list from the subforum where I ranted about the silly extra-restrictions lol. I'm really really curious now to see what opponents came up with for lists too.



Hah, yeah exactly! :P You did a good job though, it's a solid list against most opponents, thanks again! Daemons and necrons were barely restricted unfortunately and wiped the floor with most people, that sucked (but the organizers realized it as well, should be better next time I hope). Now, here's the nightmare of the second game:


Game 2: BA vs. Nurgle


This guy was one of the best players in sweden (and their team won the tournament as well), and it was 9AM (tournament started on Friday evening), so I was tired and properly psyched :P

His list was pretty much what I did not want to meet (nobody does I guess):


- Typhus

- 10x Nurgle Terminators, 7x AP2 weaponry, 3x powermaul, 2x asscannon

- 6 Nurgle Chaos Spawns

- 3x10 Plague Zombies

- 1x15 nurgle cultists

- Helldrake w Flamer

- 2 Oblits

- 1 Oblit



Deployment was over short table edges, there were 5 objectives. One was in the center of the table worth 3 points, each player had to place 2 in the opponents deployment zone resp. table half, they were worth only 2 points. Heavy Support was scoring and worth 1 VP (juicy oblits, yay). First Blood, Linebreaker and Slay the Warlord was up as well.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take any pictures because I was too excited, so here’s an approximate paint drawing of the setup. Unfortunately, he let me go first so my raven couldn’t shoot up his helldrake. He reserved all zombies, I reserved the smaller ASM squad to DS behind the hill on the top left, kill the oblit and disrupt his scoring. 5 tacticals without anything go into the raven.

His strategy was obvious: Move in the middle with the termies and wait for me while taking at least his 2 objective and the middle one. I considered walking around him and trying to kill his scoring stuff, but he got the very fast and durable spawns to bind me until the termies move up, and the helldrake eats marines for breakfast anyway – so I decided to lure him forward and jump his termies with everything I had in turn 3, should be easy with charge and S5 (see turn 2 of why it’s not that easy).




Turn 1:


BA: Everything moves up a little towards the middle, the ASM a bit too far as I didn’t realize that spawns could move 12’’.. they are in charge range now, that happens when you never encounter chaos I guess. Mephi jumps into the top hill terrain and hides, devas take potshots at typhus (the only visible opponent) and do nothing.


Chaos: Termies move up, spawns slime forward, oblits emerge from behind their hill. Shooting kills nothing as he scatters with all plasma and SG are quite resilient to assaultcannon fire from the termies. He manages to charge my ASM with the spawns and can roll 2 dice for his number of attacks, choosing the highest. I kill 1 before he can strike even though I needs 6 to wound – yay. He gets 20 attacks on me and doesn’t kill a single marine, very good dice.



Turn 2:


BA: Raven and ASM turn up, beautiful. The ASM deepstrike behind the top hill where the oblit stood in the beginning, as he moved away, and run to spread out against the plasma cannon. Raven moves up on the bottom flank, but can’t really get into rapid fire range against the termies, so I choose to shoot the 2 oblits instead. Mephi and the SG move in to take out the chaos spawns, that should be possible with furious charge. Next turn, I will be 4’’ away from typhus after movement, who has to go through difficult terrain, if I remove the right ASM as castualties and reposition, he is very unlikely to get the charge. I learn that typhus has defensive grenades, which makes me a very very unhappy marine (no attack, no FC), but I got to go through with it now.

Shooting sees 1 oblit dead from the raven, better than nothing I guess. I charge the spawns and mistakingly activate mephis sword which leaves me with only 1 warp charge – it would have been better to wound on 3’s and instagib 2 spawns instead. Spawns roll poisonous attacks, don’t care about that – I bring the last spawn to 1 wound, damn! Mephi is no longer locked though, but now the termies HAVE to fail that charge.


Chaos: Everything turns up, the helldrake can’t vectorstrike the raven yet though. Zombies pile on the objectives, 2 squads on the bottom one, one on the top. Shooting doesn’t do much, the helldrake burns 4 of my 5 tacticals, the ML still stands on the objective.

He rolls for the charge, the dice bounce – a 6, a 1 and a cocked die! He rerolls, tension is rising.. DOUBLE ONES! I still got a chance, thank god.. (the spawn dies of course).


Turn 3:




BA: Time to kill! Everything moves toward the termies, the smaller ASM squad moves in from above as well. I make another big mistake that never occured to me in 6th yet, but more about that later. Shooting is devastating, I take 2 wounds of typhus and kill 5 termies, the raven alone inflicts 4 unsaved wounds. The termies were very spread out though, and I am in a very awkard situation when rolling for charge distance – typhus still remains, just behind the wall in the middle. Mephi, SG and the ASM are just on the other side of the wall, but there’s now a huge gap of about 6-8’’ between typhus and the next termie.

I roll average on the charge lengths and can’t reach anything except typhus with all my guys on the right, and he issues a challenge (I accept with my axe-sarge). The SG, ASM and Mephi can’t strike in this turn, while his powerfists/axes move in at I1 and get to hit me back. Gonna be more aware of this issue next time!

The sarge heroically takes 1 wound off typhus, who is now left with a single wound. I kill 1 more termie with the other sergeant, and duck before the powerfists who piled in, but he misses with all 4 attacks, phew.


Chaos: He moves the top oblit and the cultists to reinforce his termies, whose situation is starting to look grim. The helldrake does his thing and roasts a few devastators while vectorstriking my raven (only 1 glance though). Not much more happens, and he moves in for the charge.

I accept Typhus challenge with my priest (the other sarge is too far away), not wanting to put mephi there because Typhus has not only a S6/AP2 scythe, but it is also a force weapon! If he gets lucky with armorsaves now (and he had a lot of bad luck up to this point), he will just instagib mephi, it’s too much of a risk to me. Mephi still can’t reach close combat though, how annoying (I think I moved him incorrectly at some point, he should be able to strike in phase 2).

SG guard axes finally reach close combat and I take out all but 1 termie, losing 3 SG in return and a lot of the top ASM. Still, it was worth it. Typhus actually DIES! It’s looking bad for the chaos player now.


Turn 4:


BA: Raven moves toward the bottom left objectives and starts gunning down plague zombies. They fall like weeds, but there’s a lot of them, so that’s gonna take a while. My remaining 3 ML take shots at the drake, but miss. Everything in cc dies as expected, but the top asm squad is wiped as well. Apparently, I am the first player to kill this squad in 6th :) I am left with: Mephi, 5 asm, 2 SG, 5 tacs in the raven, a single tac with ML on the objective and 3 devas. He has a lot of zombies, a single oblit and his drake.


Chaos: I didn’t spread out my asm well enough, and his last oblit uses the plasma cannon to kill 3 – ouch. The drake vectors over my devas and off the table, kills 2 or all I don’t remember. The ASM actually break and run away, landing on the center objective, that’s nice :D


Turn 5-7:


This game again went on toward turn 7, good for me. Mephi killed the last oblit and in the end cleaned up the bottom left objective as well, which I claimed with my tacticals. The 2 SG hacked the away at the top zombie squad who survived with 2 guys at the end of his turn 7. The helldrake cleaned up the rest of my scoring stuff but was blasted out of the sky by my raven in turn 7 (I scored 2 glances and 5 pens on this one, boom).

He was 2 zombies away from being tabled, so it was a 16:4 victory thanks to HS giving 1 VP each! I really flunked that assault in the middle, and he got bad dice when it mattered (i.e. when he charged first with his termies). It was very intense though, we even forgot that HS was scoring and didn't roll for nightfight because of that, an amazing game.

I admit that I won this decisively thanks to luck, but if I had played it correctly, I think I could have wiped that squad even with normal dice, so I didn’t feel too bad about it. :)

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Haha yes, Bugs will be played in Game 4, that was fun :) And hi there Tyranid, I knew some of my opponents were lurking around in this forums :P


But first:

Game 3: BA vs. Imperial Guard


Yay IG, how I hate playing against them.. I have not yet found a strategy I can win with without relying on a few crucial events and dice rolls, and the first few rounds are always very harsh.


His list was something along this lines:


- Strakken and 3 meltas in Chimaera

- Chimaera with vets, 2 meltas and a lascannon

- 3x Chimaera with 1 melta, 1 mortar

- Team with 3 mortars

- ~10 rough riders

- Demolisher Russ

- Manticore

- 3 Sentinels

- 2 Hydras


He won the die to go first, this was very bad (I think I didn’t win a single roll for that.. ^^). Deployment was diagonal deployment zones, mission was killpoints, that was in my favor. He was very IGlike – put everything in the corner and wait on better times. He outflanked his sentinels.

I put my 10man tacs in the raven and reserved both assault squads as well. It’s hard to tell if this was a good decision, because everything got skewed so hard by my turn 2 that the “what if”-game doesn’t make that much sense anymore, but you will see.

The picture is during my turn 2, but to illustrate: I set Mephi and the SG with priest rougly where my tape measure is lying. The devastators camped the terrain where the SR is positioned. You can also see a demolisher turret where it was destroyed, the rest of the IG didn’t really move.




Turn 1:


IG: He shoots at my things, I get stupidly good FnP-rolls and lose only a single SG, a nice start. But he got another turn before I can start punishing him, so it doesn’t mean too much...


BA: Everything moves forward, Mephi jumps into the terrain on his right, the SG spread out along it as well.

Turn 2:


IG: Sentinels turn up, and on the right flank as well. Stuff moves around and shoots me, SG and priest get wiped by a lot of shooting. Devastators lose 2 guys to rough riders and a mortar, fail morale and run off the table – sh*t. Mephi loses only 1 wound until the sentinels fire, and double 1 on armor saves sees him in a precarious position already.


BA: SR and the ASM turn up, thank god. Stuff lands where you can see on the picture. Mephi walks out of his cover, I don’t want to peril now.

The SR uses the multimelta on the demolishers flank and the rest on Strakkens transport (in front of mephi), both explode. The ASM in the midfield shoot the chimaera with the vets and at least manage to shake it, only snapshots for the guys inside next turn. The other ASM fail hard and manage to destroy the heavy bolter of a hydra, my SR needs some luck next turn.

Mephi charges Strakken and disaster strikes – 3 melta-overwatch rolls, 2 hits and dead Mephi! I hate dice rolls sometimes. The game is as good as over now.

Turn 3:


IG: Strakken and stuff wipe the ASM in the midfield by shooting a bit and charging, the ASM in his zone get shot down to 4 guys. The hydras score seven hits on the raven and penetrate it twice, destroying a HB and locking velocity.


BA: SR moves off the table and drops his tacticals in the red lavathing left of the manticore (thinking competitively that was a mistake, I should just have left them in the raven and jumped out in the far left corner when I came back on the table to avoid being wiped). I wipe the rough riders and crack open the veteran-chimaera with the heroic ASM, it explodes and the guys inside break from losses. I multicharge them and the mortar team, the vets fail morale and I can just charge everything on the mortars and kill them.


Rest: He kills the SR with a lucky glance from the sentinels and wipes me off the table :/


0-20 for me, if I had dropped those tacs far away where he couldn’t get them, it would have been a draw or slight victory for him at most. Got to remember that next time, still bugs me, but it's my first big tournament, so I file it under "beginners mistake". :)

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Ok, this one took a while, but here it is. Correct me if there's wrong stuff, land_raider^^:



Game 4: Blood Angels vs. BUUUUUUUUUGS!!! (yes, I love starship troopers :P)


His list was something like that if I remember correctly:


- Swarmtyrant, Wings, 12 shot weapon, Biomancy

- Tervigon, FnP

- Tervigon, FnP

- 10x Gaunts

- 2x Trygon

- 2x Carnifex with lots of shots



So lots of big bugs and a random amount of annoying gaunts spawning from the tervigons.

I actually managed to take a picture of that one as well. Its sometime during the tyranids turn 2, so you can see all the deepstriking stuff as well.

Deployment was normal over long table edges, mission was once again one objective in the middle worth 3 points and 4 objectives, 2 in each deployment zone resp. table half. Fast Attack was scoring, but really didn’t care about that. Again Slay the Warlord, linebreaker and First Blood. I once again tried to spread him out, placing my objectives in his zone in both corners.

He let me go first, and I put 5 tacticals without nothing in my SR to score, and deepstruck the smaller ASM squad. The rest was set up to charge through the middle. The other 5 tacticals are to the left of my devas, not visible on the pic. Maybe I could have set up in the middle, as there were 3 objective close together on my side, but that would be very non-BA and also a very boring game, so I decided to just attack with everything.

As you can see in the pictures, he just cuddled up on the right flank with everything, reserved the swarmtyrant and deep-struck the two trygons. Tyrant of course rolls iron arm, meh.




Turn 1:


BA: Mephiston starts the game with wings. DOUBLE SIX! Can’t he roll these when he needs them, bloody douche? I walked him forward instead, I was a bit afraid to go all out with him anyway because of shadow in the warp – if you meet a S9/T9 tyrant and fail to activate sword and force weapon, that would be not cool. In hindsight, I believe I overestimated it a bit, but I also needed something reliable to deal with the trygons should they emerge in my back, so it wasn’t too bad.

Everything else walked forward and my devas took potshots at the HQ-tervigon (the first game they were really useful actually). They only managed 1 wound though, not too good.


Bug: He spawns 2 squads of gaunts and gives FnP to the HQ-tervigon and his carnifexes. Carnifexes shoot and kill a whopping amount of ASM, I didn’t expect them to deal that much dmg (24 twinlinked shots, BS2 S6? ouch). They became a prime target very quickly now.


Turn 2:


BA: SR arrives, hooray. I move him up the right flank to help with the fexes, I would like to kill one before he gets another shooting phase. The ASM arrive as well, I put them on his left flank to discourage him from taking the left objective and start some gauntsquishing. Mephiston derps forward a little, but he’s still waiting for the trygons and keeping out of the shadow. SG and ASM move to the ruin.

The SR unloads and deals one full wound on the carnifexes.. not as expected. The rest of my shooting brings him down to 1 wound if I remember correctly, meaning he gets another full shooting phase with them. The ASM on the left wipe some gaunts with pistols.


Bugs: Both trygons and the tyrant arrive. The trygons set up to the left of my devas, as expected (one is not visible on the pic). One tervigon burns out, thats nice. He does his shooting and stuff dies, unfortunately I’m not quite sure how much. I believe I lost 1 SG to the fexes and all but 2 ASM and the priest in the middle (there was some pretty bad rolling I think).

The trygon shoots his 6 shots and kills 2 tacticals.. GUESS WHAT, THEY RUN OFF THE TABLE! I really need some red thirst-dice if that keeps happening.


Turn 3:


BA: Time to hurt something. The SR zooms off the table, he doesn’t want to get trashed by an angry tyrant next turn. Mephi passes wings for once and wants to see dead trygons. I retreat my 2 remaining ASM and attack the priest to my SG, which move forward to get finally get rid of those fexes.

I don’t remember if shooting deals too much dmg, I don’t think so. The ASM on the left squish more gaunts (there are 2 small squads and I multicharge). I also try to throw a frag-grenade for the first time ever, but it scatters a lot and almost wounds my priest.. someone was too excited there.

The SG charge the carnifexes and finally kill one. I don’t lose any because he doesn’t use the smash-attack which gives him S10, but I get really bad rolls again and don’t manage to kill the second one with 3 axes (remember, they only got 4 wounds each and I have S6 on the charge). Mephi does his thing and fries the first trygon.


Bugs: The second tervigon burns out, finally. The tyrant gets T8, flies to the left and vector strikes&shoots my ASM, but doesn’t deal too much dmg. He uses some gaunts to try and distract my SG so I don’t slaughter his tervigon next turn. He charges mephi with his second trygon, which was a mistake, because mephi just fries him anyway. If he would have done nothing, I would have had to spend my turn pursuing it, now I can move freely again.

If I remember correctly, the SG kill the fex with their swords and chop some gaunts with the axes.


Turn 4:


BA: Raven returns but I really can’t remember what he exactly did, sorry. I think I started shooting his HQ tervigon. The devas should that one as well and bring it to 2 wounds, my ASM charge it and finally bring it down. The backlash deals 3D6 wounds on the gaunts in cc with my guard, and I roll 16 wounds! Then the bad luck catches up again and only 2 gaunts die... fortunately, I still manage to kill the rest of them with my SG as they still have a lot of attacks.


Bug: He doesn’t have that much left now. Some gaunts move forward over the right flank to opt for linebreaker and grab the objective thats there (not visible in the pic). The tyrant flies toward my zone and kills the 2 ASM that are left, if I’m not mistaken. The tervigon move to the objective and bunkers up, he also shoots the ASM that killed his HQ tervigon. Only the sergeant is left standing at the end of it, and he gets charged by 6 gaunts. However, blood angels are no weaklings, and thanks to the nearby priest he grits his teeth and even kills a bug in return.


Turn 5:


BA: Raven goes to hovermode and unloads the 5 tacticals on the center objective. The SG proceed to slaughter the last tervigon. His tyrant is again T8, I first open with my tacticals to bring him down, but he passes the grounding test. The stormraven unloads as well and this time it works, the shooting deals a wound and he fails the armor save for being grounded as well. The devas take another wound off him, so he’s left with one and sits 4 inches from mephiston!

Mephi is a lazy bastard however, he doesn’t feel like crossing the small wall between him and the juicy bug and fails his charge. I hate him now. The SG bring the last tervigon down to 1 wound, and my ASM sergeant still stands, killing another bug. 4 to go...


Bug: The tyrant takes flight again, but he doesn’t use any psychic powers this time. Would be quite embarrassing to die to perils in the possibly last turn. He moves towards his gaunts on the right to keep them in synapse range so they don’t run off the objective if there should be a turn 6. He also shoots my tacticals on the center objective, 2 die but they rolled red thirst in the beginning, no tests there *phew*. I finally kill the last tervigon with my SG, my sergeant squishes another bug and survives.



He brings out his special Gothenburg tournament dice and they reliably roll a 1 for turn 6, game ends (special dice always seem to do that). This makes me sad, as I might have wiped him completely if I had another turn, now I win only by 1 VP, so it’s a draw :)

But it was a fun game, and bugs apparently still have some surprises left. The iron arm-tyrant is quite scary at least, and the fexes dealt more damage than I thought they would. I guess I should have just taken mephi with me and killed his bugs with normal attacks, never mind force weapon or sword of sanguinius, but the failed wings in 1st turn didn’t really encourage me there :/



Also, I won't do a full battlerep on game 6, as it wasn't very interesting or fair for that matter. He fielded a very fluffy and awesomely converted space marine list with lysander+5 tactical termies, 2x10 outflanking scouts with pistols, a thunderfire cannon and some speeders. The list might have been pretty cool in 5th I guess, but now I just let him go first, reserved as much as I could, killed everything except lysanders squad in turn 5 and tabled him in turn 7.

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