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Plasma cannons and preferred enemy


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I'm a Minotaurs player and often put Asterion Moloc's chapter tactics rule (Preferred enemy:space marines) to good use. This works great with vengeance rounds and plasma guns but when I use plasma cannons the rule gets weird since the rule states that I can re-roll ones to hit. Rules for blast say that if i can re-roll my rolls to hit I can re-roll my roll to scatter but it doesn't say anything about re-rolling specific dice.


So how am I supposed to use the rule? Can I re-roll all scattering, no scattering or something in between?

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Technically speaking, it *might* allow you to re-roll the 1s you might see as part of your scatter dice. Which would be counter-productive to hitting your target.


But I'm thinking just so you don't hamstring yourself, only re-roll at the wound phase and just conclude that the preferred enemy bonus doesn't affect blasts.

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Gets Hot and Re-rolls (page 37)

If a model has the ability to re-roll its rolls To Hit (including because of BS 6+, or Twin-linked), a Wound is only suffered if the To Hit re-roll is also a 1; it may also re-roll Gets Hot results of 1 for weapons that do not roll To Hit.


The Rulebook is your friend ^_^



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Gets Hot and Re-rolls (page 37)

If a model has the ability to re-roll its rolls To Hit (including because of BS 6+, or Twin-linked), a Wound is only suffered if the To Hit re-roll is also a 1; it may also re-roll Gets Hot results of 1 for weapons that do not roll To Hit.


The Rulebook is your friend :)




My mind is blown... Oh it is my friend for now... but I now have 2nd-6th edition in my head (I can still quote some page and paragraph numbers for 2nd ed) and I can no longer remember what is what and when 7th comes out I'll just have more out dated rubbish in my head.

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