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Blood Angel testers piece for Heresy force










I'm still in the planning stages with my Heresy force. There isn't much information about the marks of armour the Blood Angels wore, organizational markings, fetishes nor artistic flourishes added to reflect the legion. The yellow helmet for example is a mandate from the codex astrates that may or may not have been present during the heresy.


Pleasant problems to have.


For a few more pics, please visit my blog



I look forward to any comments!



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Cheers dude! I put some fine text on the purity seals but I honestly didn't know what to write on the larger decorative ones. Any suggestions? Something weighty and gothic or shall I just plaster Angel, Angelus...some form of Angelic rhetoric?
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@oilsredan; I think I can pull that off, but I don't know which words to paint on.


As a more general question what does a late heresy era army look like?


Would armour ,marks be mixed within squads, or within army's? Would a maximumus be found amidst heresy armour within the same squad? What about the army? Horus frustrated the re-arming of loyalist legions and they only had access to the inferior heresy mk v. Would an army only be comprised of one mark, If so which mark?

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@oilsredan; I think I can pull that off, but I don't know which words to paint on.


As a more general question what does a late heresy era army look like?


Would armour ,marks be mixed within squads, or within army's? Would a maximumus be found amidst heresy armour within the same squad? What about the army? Horus frustrated the re-arming of loyalist legions and they only had access to the inferior heresy mk v. Would an army only be comprised of one mark, If so which mark?


I would first like to say beautiful work as always lilloser. I've always been a big fan of your work. As to your armor questions you can go at it one of two ways. The first is to mix and match bits and pieces of armor throughout the squads and individual marines as you see fit. That better reflects replacement of battlefield damage and re-arming of marines as new equipment becomes available in a realistic fashion in my opinion. That is how I'll be doing my Dark Angels later this year into early next year. The other way is to wait until Forge World releases the relevant Horus Heresy book with the Blood Angels info in it. That will have the "official" color plates and markings in it. I don't remember if Fear to Tread had much info in it about markings in it but those are about the only options for you so far. I would still go with a fairly ornate looking force as thats the impression I got from reading about them so far. Perhaps someone else can weigh in with a little more info than me and help out?

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The model is lovely but not a representation of the Heresy-era. The helmet, greaves and pauldrons in particular are MkVII (or based thereon) which was unknown at the time (unless that gets retconned...). You can get away with the arms as they are, and the jump pack is matched to MkIV according to Forgeworld. And the model is lovely.


Horus's interruption of the armour supply happened when MkVI was new IIRC. MkVII was not issued until much later, after the Heresy - perhaps after the Scouring. So MkVI is the newest armour that can evoke the Heresy vibe.


As regards the whole army, full suits of a particular Mk would be common, as would full squads of a single armour Mk. Not universal, but common. Extending that to a full company or chapter (or the Heresy-era equivalent nomenclature) could be done, but I don't recall any particularly strong association between the Blood Angels and a particular armour Mk. Certainly the Legion had access to multiple/all armour Mks to some degree, meaning you can do as you please.


Blood Angels were the 9th Legion correct? Meaning 9th Legion to be created, or 9th Legion reunited with their Primarch? I forget.


Were all Legions operational before their Primarch was found? Dunno, but the last Legions created might conceivably have no access to the earlier Mks. Blood Angels are in the middle, which again means you can do as you please. Mks I-VI are all open to you in whatsoever mix you favour.


But MkVII isn't allowed :)

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AlexCrute makes some good points about the individual pieces of this marines armor. You could explain away the helmet as a void hardened variant version of MKIV. There certainly are enough variations within Forge World's own sculpts of the MKIV helmets to get away with it. The rest of the armor pieces I would explain as master crafted. The Sang. Guard Armor is from before the Heresy and this is just another example of Blood Angels master crafting everything in my opinion. As for the timing of the founding of the Legions. They were created in tandem with the creation of the Primarchs and before Terra was even completely united. They all had access to the same armor and equipment starting out. Hell they were even all painted the same color grey to start with, variation started as the crusade spread out.
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I noticed one of the Sang guard from the studio army has "Mortis Equuis" written on it. Wonder if someone got fed up of painting scrollwork at some point...


As for armour marks, I'd say the blood angels would be quite individual in their armours, but standard within one miniature. They are into their aesthetics, and quite organised, so each guy would want his armour to be as well maintained and beautiful as possible. Using sang guard bits should be fine for veterans etc, but I'd suggest adding studs to the helmets etc to represent Mk5 bits if you want to go that way. Picking up a few sang guard and a few Red Scorp conversion kits might do you quite well though. Master crafted MK4 suits would be awesome for assault veterans...

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Some absolute great feedback, thanks guys. I'm firming up so notes for the army. Would you like me to type them up and stick them up here?


Actually scratch the question, I'll just collate and write an article.




I'm happy to offer feedback that you would find helpful. I'm not usually one for voicing my opinion or advice much but I hope you can find some use for it. I really look forward to reading more about your army. Your background for your Scouring Era Blood Angels was amazing and incredibly creative. I can't wait to see what you come up with for this force. Please be sure to post your notes here or a link to them if you put it up elsewhere.

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