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I want to build a Slaanesh themed army based around as much templates as possible and Chaos Daemons Slaanesh Paven gift. The Paven is a mini-lash.


For my "Deathstar" unit I was thinking of this.


Lucius, Sorcerer that is ML3, Buring Brand, and Force Sword, 6 Chosen with 5x Flamers, and Champ with Combi-Flamer and Lightning Claw and Icon of Excess. Put them in a Havoc Launching Rhino.


The unit itself gets 7/8 Flamer Templates a turn depending on the combi-flamer. Two being AP3. They are a harrasing unit. Even better if they get charged. 2D3 Ap3 and 6D3 wounds, followed by Lucius, Sorcerer, and Champions attacls before regular marines.


One question though. If I get the Preferred Enemy through Boon, does overwatch flamers re-roll 1's? I know it says To-Hit and To-Wound, but is that a different kind of wounding?

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I'm not seeing the value of a sorcerer vs a lord or warpsmith here if all you're looking for is someone to hold the brand.


I see what you're going for but I think it's just too expensive to warrant it.


Have you considered using noise marines with another doom siren instead of chosen? They are cheaper, scoring and add another AP3 flamer.

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That's a shame. I was hoping that as Troops, it would make up for only one Sorcerer.


Well, here is my list idea. 2 Vindicators, as many Rhinos with Havoc Launchers, the said unit of Chosen, allied Daemons with as much of the mini-lash as possible. Then start unloading templates on the now closely grouped units.

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Yeah. I'm still looking into how I want to build my list. Just the direction I wanted to go. Is there any current Forgeworld Sonic Dread rules that I could use? My area allows Forgeworld in lists, and the Noise Dread is a pretty model. Just not sure if the rules translate to the Hellbrute.
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