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skaveny nurglies


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so i have a cool conversion idea. i have a nurgle based army and instead of theming them around nurglings and rotting and pustules i was thinking of doing them based around rats. i am thinking of buying the Skaven Monks and kitbashing them into my army and then using the skaven bodies mixed with some zombie and cultist bits that i have to make my zombies/cultists.


has anyone tried this or seen this tried successfully before? i tried some searching but didnt really find much.


i am doing a city base scheme of a half ruined city and i would plan to cast the 4 little rats that come with the skaven kit and have a load of rats on all the bases.

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I like the details like the censers and knives, but those rat heads are just a little too over the top for my tastes. A few rats on bases and such has a creepy feel, but having a bunch of rat-headed marines running around seems almost comical.
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Skaven bits are great for Nurgle conversions! I concur about the Stormvermin bits, I've got a couple boxes I've been using. I've been using the banners poles for back banners on my Nurgle bikers. The little rats from the Doomwheel make for great basing, and the banner is going on the Champ from the bikers.


Funny you guys mention the HPA, I've got one lines up for a Maulerfiend. I'm also using Fantasy Giants for Forgefiends.


The Screaming Bell is also chock full of awesome Nurgle bits.


Something else to consider is Ogre Kingdoms bits. I've been using those as well.


Good luck, I'm looking forward to seeing your stuff. You can check mine out in the Work In Progress forum here.

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