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Fluff Questions

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Greetings, fallen angels, decadent murders and depraved wretches all!

I am currently undecided as to which army to take up next, and as one of the ideas formulating in my head I a warband of Emperor's Children I just wanted to run my initial fluff musings past more seasoned Slaaneshi devotees. My major concerns will be posed as bracketed questions.


The Warband will be known as the "Slaves of Excess" (would a proud scion of Fulgrim ever admit to being a slave, even one gladly in the thrall of the Dark Prince?) and led by a corrupt former Captain of the Emperor's Children - a figure now known as Lord Averice the Perfidious


The two main themes of the warband are; first the perversion of their legion's quest for perfection. The 'Slaves', warped by their worship of Slaanesh, have lost any real dstinction between perfection and obsession and whilst are all equally debased, decadent and cruel ech squad has slowly become more and more obsessed with a certain aspect of warfare, seeking to master it until it has come to dominate their lives. Examples; the Noise Marines are fairly simple as they have embraced he Chaos and spectacle of warfare, the Assault Squads once attatched to the Company have slowly become obsessed with the hunt until they are instinctive Warp Talon predators and little else, and the 'Tactical' Squads have become so obsessed with discipline and soldiery that they are almost lost without orders, which they have been trained to follow to the letter, and when not battling are barely able to stop cleaning and maintaining their wargear. (The idea here was to show the link Slaanesh with the obsssive and addictive Eldar mindset that birthed it, making the Slaves of Excess a twisted, baroque parody of the Aspect Warriors of She Who Thirsts' favourite prey. Does this theme work with Marines?)


The second theme is Averice's own decadence and arrogance. He has modelled himself and his warband on some kind of royal court or retinue. The Slaves command a large number of cultist forces, mostly as slaves and thrall warriors, but a few preachers, torturers and the like enjoy the favour of their Astartes Lord and so sit on his court along with his favoured wariors and champions. This will mostly be cosmetic, with objectives/combat familiars/etc. being modelled as mutilated slaves and bound servants. (Does this idea of an entourage work with the theme? I was intending to use it as a window to explore all of Slaanesh's excesses in my warband fluff - there are some things that an Apostate Preacher or Renegade Major can do, anatomically, mentally and spiritually, that Astartes can't.)


Thanks in advance.


ChaosLord Leon Enaek

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As an old Slaanesh player, I must say I like the fluff alot. I see no problem at all with a warband calling themselves Slaves of any kind, it just shows their dedication to Slaanesh even more. The link between aspect warriors and your marines corrupted version is certainly something Slaanesh would approve of, he/she/it would probably even love it even more when your warp talons slaughter Swooping hawks, so that is excellent fluff.


The arrogance and decadence is very much Slaanesh, when ever I read about the European nobility in the 18th and 19th century I imagine them not being far of from Slaanesh devotees, look at the French and Russian courts in their ending days. Greed, sloth, gluttony, pride and envy are all aspects of Slaanesh, and to some extent the royal courts in Europe just before they were overthrown if you think about it, so if you build your court around that "She who thirsts'" will be a happy camper.For fluff it will work excellent and when/if you build the cultists or your allies you can always draw ideas from that. The wrath aspect of Slaanesh, and the seven sins, is always there when it comes to chaos marines so it is not necessary to bring in to the court if you don't want to.


Excellent work this far.





Baah I forgot about lust as a sin, but that goes without saying when it comes to Slaanesh.

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I like it. Two main themes to the warband adds character and makes it feel more unique.


You could have the various warrior factions refuse to comingle with any marine outside of their sect for fear of diluting their talents and focus. This gives the mortal crew a reason to exist beyond plaything as they must facilitate communication between factions.


Your lords court could be a very capricious thing, with favor and disdain changing daily. If you ever saw tudors tv show, that's how I'd imagine it. Mortals and marines fighting and plotting for attention.


One thing to consider is not to make it too similar to a dark eldar kabal. It needs to remaining distinctly human.

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My thanks for your input brothers :D

On the whole "careful of too much Kabal" issue, for that reason I wasn't going to have the various Champion and favourites feuding and vying for supremecy, I was going to have a Pleasure Cult court at the head of the warband with two main sects and theological groups in the court and warband on a larger scale. One is totally dedicated to Slaanesh as a god of pain and excess and so care not for what they do or how they do it provided it leaves ravaged worlds in their wake, whilst others believe that they are the pinnacle of Slaanesh's followers, modelled as they are on It's favourite prey (the Eldar), and so should focus their attention on only the most meticulously planned and destructive raids on the most sacred Imperial and Eldar locations. This faction retain a huge sense of their Legion identity and desire the expulsion of the feeble cultists from their warband's service due to their supossed "lack of devotion".

Hows that as an extra detail?


ChaosLord Leon Enaek

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