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Starting Nurgle but rubbish at modelling

Andrés Pacheco

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Well, thinking of starting Nurgle, and never actually had a go at modelling, if truth be told, but I'm British, so I'll be pessimistic and assume the worst :D


Was hoping for some thoughts from the Vets of the Lord of Decay - is going green worth it if you can't use putty etc to give all your models a nasty rotting look - does a lurid paint scheme and some rust/weathering suffice to produce a suitably putrescent Nurgle force, or should I stick with a different God for my first foray, and come back to Papa once my skillz have been sharpened up a bit?


Love the idea of decay and nastiness (I was a student for 3 years after all), but don't think I'm ready to add bloated bellies and rotting limbs just yet. How does that make you feel?? ;)

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Well, many of us convert our models, but that doesn't mean you have to as well. There are a lot of Nurgle kits out there- plague marines, plague bearers and Nurglings don't require any conversion work. As you mentioned, if you want to use Nurgle marines, give them a gribbly paint job and some rust.


That being said, I would encourage you to delve into trying some simple conversions. A lot can be achieved by a few easy swaps, with no green stuff necessary. Zombie parts, swords from the plague bearers and judicious use of possessed bits all go a long way toward making your force unique without a lot of fancy putty work.

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If you have the money, nurgle is pretty much the most popular of the chaos brands for specialized kits (and even aftermarket kits). Rust and weathering techniques are perfect for nurgle minis. You don't have to sculpt a bunch of GS onto a plastic soldier to make nurgle happy. Lords of Decay are perfectly fine without it. That said, a bloated belly was one of the first things I sculpted onto a mini, and it still holds up among my more recent work. Surprisingly fun, if not easy, with a set of dental tools. Mess up a part? Doesn't look right? Stick some tubing/guitar string there. You don't have to do it to all of them, but since Champs are obligatory now, you could try it out with a single figure from each squad (to make that one stand out as your champ). Have fun with it. If you're interested in it, do it. Don't be afraid to screw it up. Plenty of tutorials out there to get you an idea of how to start out.
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The best part about nurgle is that the models are meant to look decayed and rotten. This isn't your normal space marine army that is supposed to stay pristine with clean edges.


Mess up the paintjob? Re-paint without stripping. Extra layer of rust.

Terrible at greenstuff sculpting? File down and have another go. Extra bloat and mutation.

Clipped too much of the model off of the sprue? Must have rotted off.


Nurgle gifts you with room to make mistakes because he loves you. Break out the green stuff and texture paints, relax, and have fun.

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Thanks for the great, and encouraging, replies so far! :)


I like the idea (as a novice anyway) that mistakes and redos all add to the decay and rot of the model, that's certainly a nice fallback position to have.


Don't have a load of cash for expensive resins etc (Forgeworld stuff, and Finecast Plagues) - what other bits and bobs are good to kitbash/convert the standard CSM plastic squad to Plagues/Nurgle marines?


Saw some good skaven bits in another thread, any other fantasy ranges have good nasty bits? What about 3rd party stuff (maybe not whole figures as much as heads, arms etc?)

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Vampire counts have good parts. Their plastic zombie and ghoul kits are popular and effective.


Chaos fantasy also has some good stuff for us- the plastic fantasy Nurgle lord is a great model to represent one of our own bloated CSM lords (just add a backpack and a gun of your choice!).

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here is my current nurgle lord :D

The fantasy lord with a head swap, terminator shoulder pad, weapon swap and a backpack from the dark vengeance chosen :D



There are many many other companies that make suitable bits (heads, shoulders etc). Puppetswar.eu, maxmini/kromlech, scribor etc

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A good way to add some cool stuff to your minis is to get some guitar string, metal guitar string, of various sizes, and drill holes in your models so you have these bunches of ribbed cables hanging out of them. Or, put those cables to different areas of the model, so you could have these pipes running from your model's backpack to, say, his chest or head. Then, you GS the spot where you drilled. This involves nothing more than squishing so GS around the base of the cable and making it smooth with the rest of the model. Very basic GS technique and not hard to replicate.
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Awesome, love all the gribbliness in here! That fantasy lord model does look great, and the guitar strings to face idea sounds effective and not "too" difficult for a beginner.


Is there any news on a Palanquin model being released? I've seen in the codex that it is the "steed" for Nurgle characters, and love the idea of a nurgle sorcerer, so bloated and putrid they are unable to walk the battlefield, being carried around by swarms of nurglings and slimy things, dismissively infecting nearby organics, spreading the word of God, if you will :lol:


Multi-dimensionsal killing machines that have really let it slip ftw.

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Awesome, love all the gribbliness in here! That fantasy lord model does look great, and the guitar strings to face idea sounds effective and not "too" difficult for a beginner.


Is there any news on a Palanquin model being released? I've seen in the codex that it is the "steed" for Nurgle characters, and love the idea of a nurgle sorcerer, so bloated and putrid they are unable to walk the battlefield, being carried around by swarms of nurglings and slimy things, dismissively infecting nearby organics, spreading the word of God, if you will :D


Multi-dimensionsal killing machines that have really let it slip ftw.


Not that I've heard of, but since they're releasing steed models for slaanesh I'm hopeful.

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Nurlgez had his Lord sitting on a rhino door- which I think is a great idea for a planquin platform. The new nurgling kin includes plenty of servants to bear said palanquin!
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