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Podcast with tester who worked on C:CSM

Marshal Wilhelm

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Personally what I see as the key is going to be massing cheap troop choices, and then taking more elite counter assault units. Between the dragon, and daemon engines and havocs you can give the enemy a lot of reason to come to you.


I'm thinking something like this is going to be what CSM armies trend towards


Cheap HQ


2x 15 Marines with bolters, and double plasma, rhino's for blocking Movement and LoS

2x 15 Cultists


1 of Chosen, Zerkers, Possessed or Noise marines (sans sonic blasters) Depending on meta I like noise marines personally, I5 and an Ap3 template, is ace. As a counter assault unit.


Hellbrutes with Reapers Autocannons


unit of bikes




Havocs with auto cannons


2 out of the forgefiend, or defiler


That gets something like 40-50 marines, A minimum of 60 scoring models,

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I think there is a good list or two in the book, that being said, it feels half baked. I would wager that Kelly did alot of copy/paste with a little bit of editing...yay. Seriously, you couldnt come up with some new Unique HQs?


I hope the emphasis is that we are to create our own characters instead of having to use special characters. That's the vibe I got from the Rule Book, that's how I've been going about playing it. In that sense, I'm happy to play as "My" Chaos Lord and at least have the customization options (missing artificer armor and Eternal Warrior, but W/E). The guys in my group let me use drop pods as dedicated transports-Drop Pod Assault Rules and all. This goes a long way to 'fixing' some issues. Allowing Choppy Oblits and Warp Talons to assault on Deep Strike? BAM! They're viable against the other units in their FOC slot.

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The apostle & warpsmith have few options that they might as well be special characters, and not very good ones at that. And while you might experiment with different alignments, gifts, or psychic powers on the prince, none of that will make much of a difference to the way the wings/armor/mace default autobuild functions, so that might as well have been a special character, too.


The lord has a ton of options and possible builds, but relatively few that are actually any good. The Sorcerer has a similar situation.


If the goal was highly customizable, build your own HQs, then the execution wasn't exactly inspired.

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The apostle & warpsmith have few options that they might as well be special characters, and not very good ones at that. And while you might experiment with different alignments, gifts, or psychic powers on the prince, none of that will make much of a difference to the way the wings/armor/mace default autobuild functions, so that might as well have been a special character, too.


The lord has a ton of options and possible builds, but relatively few that are actually any good. The Sorcerer has a similar situation.


If the goal was highly customizable, build your own HQs, then the execution wasn't exactly inspired.


All very true.


The same goes for the rest of the codex as well.

Of course there are a bajillion different ways to kit out CSMs. But good ones? Only a few.

So in essence the codex tries to create a false sense of diversity.


BTW Malisteen why did you change your avatar? Now I have to get used to it. :P

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BTW Malisteen why did you change your avatar? Now I have to get used to it. :down:


I actually did it for consistency's sake. The old Avatar was a character from a school newspaper comic I used to draw, and it was only my avatar on a couple of forums at this point - mostly old forums I'd been on for a long time (I actually signed up for B&C ages ago, but didn't post much back then, and before the 6e CSM book started to approach, I hadn't been around in ages), and that had smaller max avatar size restrictions. So... here and warseer, basically.


The new one's Glitterbelle, a pony OC who at this point I use as my avatar or face image on so many sites that I basically consider the skeleton pony to "be" Malisteen. About the only place I use a separate avatar now is the MSPA forums, and even there I still use something more or less the same (another skeleton pony head, just greener, & jittery, & wearing coolkid shades, that was drawn for me by another poster there). I've been meaning to update by avatar here since I started posting again, actually, but I had to resize the image to fit the smaller size limits, and I just didn't get around to it until the other day.


Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Plus, you'll be more likely to recognize me elsewhere this way. Although, frankly, I call myself "malisteen" everywhere, and as a nonsense word basically nobody else uses it. There's a couple "malice teen"s, and one "mali steer", but for the most part... so... I guess that's not a big issue deal regardless?


Oh, and smokey pinkish-purple and bluish-green is my favorite blend of colors, so there's that. Check out the sword on my recently finished chaos lord for an example of me trying to work those colors into one of my models.


So anyway, now you know all about my avatar and why it was changed. The more you know/knowing is half the battle/etc.

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