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Drop Pod Army

Revan Noir

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Fellow Angels,


I'm looking at doing a BA drop pod assault army. Essentially, I'm looking at playing at 2000 points with 5 drop pods. The list looks something like this at the moment:


Drop Pod w/

8x DC

1x Lemartes

1x Infernus Pistol

1x Power Axe


Drop Pod w/

9x Sternguard

1x Librarian

1x Plasma Cannon

1x Multi-Melta

3x Combi-Weapon


Drop Pod w/

10x Tactical Squad

1x Multi-Melta

1x Plasma Gun


Drop Pod w/

5x Devastator Squad

4x Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher


Drop Pod w/

10x Assault Squad

1x PF

2x Melta Gun


10x Assault Squad w/JP

1x Librarian w/JP

1x Priest w/JP

1x Power Fist

2x Melta Gun


The plan right now is to drop the Sternguard, Tacticals, and Devs together mid-field behind cover. Use libby with divination for awesome shooting.


DC and Assault pods will be used for counter assault. JP Assault used to hold objectives.


I have 160 points left over and I have never ran a list anything like this before so I'm looking more for tactical advice than a specific list build.


Important to note as well- I play for fun, not super competitiveness. Thanks everyone!

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Saving points, your PF on the assault squads can be dropped to power weapons (swords for challenges would be my guess), plasma cannon and multi-melta on Sternguard are wasted, just stick to special ammo, bolter or combi weapons are great there. Drop the pistol from the DC, lost Lemartes (as he's not legal in a pod as mentioned above)


Now you should have some points free. First suggestion is to try and buy another unit or two in pods, preferably a tactical squad or maybe honor guard. A good drop on a pod full of HG with either quad plasma or quad melta will give you an FnP bubble on your drop zone and some serious alpha strike firepower. I would deploy the devastators, just in case you go second against another pod army you don't want to get wiped in the first turn before your pods come in.


Not a big fan of using pods just to get the center of the board locked down, rhinos/razors and jump pack troops can do that just as well, takes maybe 2 turns for even just plain tacticals to reach midfield. I would reccomend being more aggressive, using your shooting elements (sternguard, tacs) to come in closer to the enemy, and your assault guys to come in behind them and charge on turn 2. You will take heavy losses, but the alphs strike shooting will help negate that somewhat, and getting an FnP bubble in the drop zone will help more.

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depending how many pods you have, dropping shooting elements like sterns on flank can mess up plans pretty darn well. Add a plasmagun and diviniation libby you can deal pretty much anything you need. I would only drop pod center of the field empty pod to block enemy's way but that is so dependable on terrain. In city terrains, those can effectivelly ruin enemy's especially mechnized formations, game plan. Other than that, using pod like that is giving free VP to your enemy. Flank or rear is good place to drop shooting elements or Deathcompany if you soon can get dreadnought podded soon after your alpha forces are podded in place, you can use effectivelly assault falnk / rear with dreadnought taking the overwatch then use rest elements to pile-in and force to lockdown combat with your infantry elements.
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