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Dark Angels Fluff

ChaosLord Leon Enaek

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Greetings, Masters of the Chapter. You know me as ChaosLord Leon Enaek, servant of the True Gods and Destroyer of Aarkenhive, but today I stand before you in the name of a Brother - a Fallen cast out of Caliban long ago and now seeking redemption.

A friend of mine used to play Dark Angels about 8 years ago and has recently thought about getting back into the hobby (my baleful influence :D ) and he and I are splitting the Dark Vengance set come 2013 and beyond that he's planning to expand swiftly, so on behalf of him I wanted to clear up a few questions about the Unforgiven:


1) Are Veteran Sergeants in DA Battle Companies awarded Terminator Honours to display upon their shoulder? If so are they members of the Deathwatch?

2) How many of each support element can one Battle Company expect to have attatched during a campaign? More specifically, how many Ravenwing squads, Deathwing squads, Librarians and Chaplains (of either rank)?

3) I know one Watcher follows the Supreme Grand Master and a few are probably chilling on the Rock, but where are the others? Would any of the Watchers accompany any other Interrogator-Chaplains or Company Masters?

4) What, if any, Chapters - outside of the ranks of the other Unforgiven - would the Dark Angels be least uncomfortable working alongside? Are there any that might be less inquisitive than others? You know, about the whole "They look like you guys, but with Chaos bits on them" issue?

5) What style of beard would be most appropriate on a Dark Angel?


Many thanks, brothers.


"Interrogator-Chaplain" Leon Enaek

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I don't know much about #s 1-4 but the answer to #5 is a Ginger one!!! Ginger Beards are the bestest.




EDIT: lolz

I don't have my resources with me, I'm not in any Inner Circle and I could be totally wrong but:

1) Yes, sometimes, but in game terms it doesn't matter in this addition (and it's Deathwing not watch btw).

2) If the DA suspect Fallen presence then all that are close will be used, you could expect to see 2-4 squad(rons) of each attached to a whole Company if it was deployed as such. Many are used in smaller engagements too. The choice is yours/your friends.

3) Hiding in the Warp or whereever is nice and warm with great food on the Rock; not at this stage, maybe in a new dex.

4) Take your pick, we hide our secret well. If they do find out they get "gulf'd"

2. As many as he feels like painting. I personally have 11 Squads of Deathwing and one squad of Ravenwing and a squadron of speeders.


5. In spite of the Lion being a blonde, the gene seed seems to bond with dark haired pale skinned genomes better but all hair colors are present.

  ChaosLord Leon Enaek said:
Greetings, Masters of the Chapter. You know me as ChaosLord Leon Enaek, servant of the True Gods and Destroyer of Aarkenhive, but today I stand before you in the name of a Brother - a Fallen cast out of Caliban long ago and now seeking redemption.

A friend of mine used to play Dark Angels about 8 years ago and has recently thought about getting back into the hobby (my baleful influence :D ) and he and I are splitting the Dark Vengance set come 2013 and beyond that he's planning to expand swiftly, so on behalf of him I wanted to clear up a few questions about the Unforgiven:

Many thanks, brothers.


"Interrogator-Chaplain" Leon Enaek


If you are a Chaos Lord and seek to "help" a fellow marine player you must serve the changer of ways.... as this can only be a deceitful tactic in along and convoluted path of trickery, manipulation and deceit..and entrap your "friend" :)


To answer your questions:


1) Are Veteran Sergeants in DA Battle Companies awarded Terminator Honours to display upon their shoulder? If so are they members of the Deathwatch?

According to fluff veteran sergeants may earn terminator honours by their long service and acts of valour. They may also be inducted in to the Deathwing (Not Deathwatch... don't like the inquisition here!!) In fact any member may be inducted in to the Deathwing but usually the more senior experienced veterans. In the 3rd edition, we could pay 5 points and upgrade our veteran sergeants to Deathwing.


2) How many of each support element can one Battle Company expect to have attatched during a campaign? More specifically, how many Ravenwing squads, Deathwing squads, Librarians and Chaplains (of either rank)?

Given the tactical flexibility of the Lion's geneseed, I would imaging that the composition of any battleforce would be fluid and dependant on the circumstances. Some idea could be gained from the "Storm of Vengeance" campaign pack where the entire 3rd battle company was deployed on Piscina supported by, if memory serves, 2 terminator squads, a couple of RW bike squads and speeders, 2 chaplains, 2 librarians and a couple of techmarines... Mor einfo could be obtained from the Sirge of Vraks FW book which has a detailed FOC of the DA force...I'll have to check when I get home.


3) I know one Watcher follows the Supreme Grand Master and a few are probably chilling on the Rock, but where are the others? Would any of the Watchers accompany any other Interrogator-Chaplains or Company Masters?
Fluff and rules dictate that they don't follow anyone else.


4) What, if any, Chapters - outside of the ranks of the other Unforgiven - would the Dark Angels be least uncomfortable working alongside? Are there any that might be less inquisitive than others? You know, about the whole "They look like you guys, but with Chaos bits on them" issue?

According to the new FW Heresy era book "Betrayal" the Salamanders are identified as being closest to the Dark Angels.. thogugh I find no previous backgorund to suport this. Also, based on old fluff, the DA and SW campaigned together for a long period, hence the rivalry..which may also make them more likely to work together.


5) What style of beard would be most appropriate on a Dark Angel?

None... nowhere are the DA depicted as having beards..even when 30 terminators went to the plains world to liberate it from genestealers... and the survivors stayed on... All Clean Shaven!! hence generally there are no beardy DA Players either!!! :blink: ;)


Hope that helps...



Okay, I'll give my 2 cents:


1) Yes, and Deathwing, yeah, but not wholly inducted imho. Remember: circles within circles


2) Personally, I view the Dark Angels, as a whole, a more cohesive fighting force than other chapters. In other words, where some chapters send one, maybe two, battle companies with other support companies to a planet; I think that, because we're fleet based, the Dark Angels are 'all in' when they go to war. Maybe a few splinter fleets with just Deathwing and Ravenwing forces sniffing out for fallen, but I believe the majority of both of those companies are nearby at all times.


3) Honestly, either way works for me. They're so enigmatic and aloft that we don't really know. Based on the description in the Horus Heresy novels, I think they can be everywhere and nowhere at the same time, and no one would know the difference.


4) I think the Dark Angels are equally suspicious of working alongside any of the other chapters. We have secrets that we go to great lengths to hide, and we're known to keep no counsel with other Imperial forces because of that. Not that we don't like them, mind you, we just cannot risk them finding out why we're the 'Unforgiven'.


5) Best Question out of the bunch! =) I mirror The Shadow Guard in that we're usually depicted without beards, but there's no reason for that. I personally prefer mutton chops: because of style



First I must call upon The Shadow Guard; I serve the noble Blood God, not some tricksy and false magician-god! Step forward and meet my axe, loyalist scum, for your cowardly accusation! ;)

More seriously, thank you all for your input and help - I have shown this to my friend and he has said that it is everything he's been looking for and thanks you all as well. You may be short-sighted and cowardly loyalists, but you Dark Angel sub-forum certainly are a helpful bunch :) probably because half of you saw the light joined the Dark.






Oh sorry, you don't like people talking about that do you? My bad! :devil:

They get 'gulfed' hahahahahahahahahahahaha


Me likey that. Lots!


On a side note the chapters that would 'fit' so to say, with the DAs would be reclusive chapters too me thinks.

I always considered the BAs to be a good match since they have their own... things to consider and are too noble to interfere with us (dont know why but I always believed that the DA had an air which intimidated the 'noble' chapters into sticking to the operational parameters of the mission and stay the heck away of the DAs), and the SWs. We have a friendly rivalry and disposition, and they know better than to stick their noses into other peoples business since they dont want them sticking their nose into theirs.


I would also consider the Templars and chapters like the flesh tearers.

The first because they are so zealot inclined and predictable that an interrogator chaplain or a company master could easily manipulate and use them.

The second because there is no chance of them uncovering everything since more or less they are a khornate cult waiting to happen. Point them in the right direction and let them go nuts.

Both of them are also later founding chapters and can be bullied around by that fact alone. After all not only are the DA first founding but they are the 1st and all that, so shut up and do what we told you to do.


EDIT: I always depicted the Lion as brown hair green eyes and not with a beard exactly (you know when you are two to three weeks unshaven) but a hairy face.

Blonde was Sanguinius territory me thinks.

  Brother Immolator said:
I would also consider the Templars and chapters like the flesh tearers.

I don't know about the Templars. Don't they dislike us because we threatened to destroy one of their cruisers since they refused to hand over Cypher/The Voice of the Emperor?

  elphilo said:
  Brother Immolator said:
I would also consider the Templars and chapters like the flesh tearers.

I don't know about the Templars. Don't they dislike us because we threatened to destroy one of their cruisers since they refused to hand over Cypher/The Voice of the Emperor?


Stobz came with a new term for it after all.

  Brother Immolator said:
I always considered the BAs to be a good match since they have their own... things to consider and are too noble to interfere with us


Balthazar: Oh! Uh.. Didn't expect to see you here, Claudio.


Claudio: Heh, yeah me neither Balth! Small galaxy ain't it..?


Balthazar: Hehe, yeah... Erm... Say, could you guys stick to area 32 for a while, until we're done with... you know... those things we don't really talk about...


Claudio: No problem whatsoever! Also uhm... You might want to lay down some krak mines in quadrant 79... Some of our boys may... get rowdy.. In "that" way...


Balthazar: You mean... -that- way...?


Claudio: Yes... -that- way...


Balthazar: Got it... erm, want to go out for drinks after this is done?


Claudio: I can't believe you just said that......

  WatchCaptainAzrael said:
  Brother Immolator said:
I always considered the BAs to be a good match since they have their own... things to consider and are too noble to interfere with us


Balthazar: Oh! Uh.. Didn't expect to see you here, Claudio.


Claudio: Heh, yeah me neither Balth! Small galaxy ain't it..?


Balthazar: Hehe, yeah... Erm... Say, could you guys stick to area 32 for a while, until we're done with... you know... those things we don't really talk about...


Claudio: No problem whatsoever! Also uhm... You might want to lay down some krak mines in quadrant 79... Some of our boys may... get rowdy.. In "that" way...


Balthazar: You mean... -that- way...?


Claudio: Yes... -that- way...


Balthazar: Got it... erm, want to go out for drinks after this is done?


Claudio: I can't believe you just said that......



  • 2 years later...
Posted · Hidden by Bryan Blaire, June 22, 2015 - Threadomancy
Hidden by Bryan Blaire, June 22, 2015 - Threadomancy

Digging this one out of the grave:

I am seriously considering using Warhammer FB heads for all Dark Angels. IMO (and I can not underline it enough- PERSONAL opinion) they should be much more like those lofty, monastic knight orders, where brothers have been growing long beards. You know- old,silent, monastic, cold, with rosaries and hoods.



Posted · Hidden by Bryan Blaire, June 22, 2015 - Threadomancy Response
Hidden by Bryan Blaire, June 22, 2015 - Threadomancy Response

From Unforgiven:


This came from Master Eradon, the Tenth Company captain. Alone amongst the Inner Circle he sported a beard, blond and cropped short.


So we do have the occasional beard, though apparently it's quite the rarity.


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