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Wolf-Land-Raider concept build.


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Hello all,


This is my first project log. I'm more of a hobbyist than gamer, so most of my models (and concepts) are more in-line with the aesthetics first then gaming logistics second.


Even since the Space Wolves codex came out, I've been thinking about making a Wolf-Land-Raider. I had pictured the Iron Wolf company being led into battle in a unique personalized Land Raider. I finally had some time to do a proof-of-concept build using some paper model before going with plastic Land Raider kits. Here are some of the pictures from my evening's musing.



Warhound head for the wolf part of the tank.



Modified Land Raider body.



Wolf-Land-Raider early model.



Another angle.



Decided to add some "claws" to the tank.



Side view with the claws.



Front view with the claws.


The overall silhouette is there, but it's missing something (The weapons were left out for now). I couldn't figure out what it needs to give it more fierce or fearsome look. Although I worked on this little concept model for about 4 hours, so my creativity may have reached the limit for the day.


Ultimately, this will go into either a Chaos or Space Wolves army. I'm still on the fence about the army choice at this point.


Any recommendations on making this stand out more?


Thank you kindly.

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Looks like the tank from Thundertanks. Which is awesome.


I like the lengthened front, but the claws not so much, but thats more due to the size of them. Just... too big.


I have one question though: Fluff wise, would this be a variant of the land raider, or a heavily customized/ personal land raider, because which one it is can really influence which way to model it


Variant: More function over form.


Customized: Can be more flashy (if you want it to be).


But hell, it could be both.

beaten to it by Ghostbear.


thunder, thunder, thundercats. hoooo!!!


now thats out of my system - its an interesting idea for a command tank landraider. i'd consider trying to make the head a bt less warhound like. if you bring it forward a bit to expose the head more you could say its one of these instead of a normal landraider: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-4000...SAULT_TANK.html



how does the 'mouth' area scale to a terminator/marine? thinking in terms of them assaulting out of the tank

Looks on first inspection to be a damn nice variety of Crusader-pattern to me!

Is that Warhound head the same size as the titan one or did you have to resize it to fit?

My other question is where is the twin heavy bolter/assault cannon going to sit?


As lhg033 points out, all needs now is to make sure you could use the front as an assault ramp without the Termies cracking their heads open!

The overall silhouette is there, but it's missing something (The weapons were left out for now). I couldn't figure out what it needs to give it more fierce or fearsome look. Although I worked on this little concept model for about 4 hours, so my creativity may have reached the limit for the day.


Thank you kindly.


i think the 'face' could do with a bit more agression. angled eyebrows, teeth bared etc. it may be that the paint job will be part of what improves the fierceness (glowing eyes etc)


dont think it helps that the shape of a land raider plus the 'paws' and 'head' position make it look like its lying down with its head dipped a bit.


another alternative - make it a land raider prometheus (FW again). command tank rules, weapons are 2 sponsons of two twinlinked heavy bolters - you wont have to factor in the HB/assault cannon turret on a standard raider or LRC/LRR

okay not going to make any thundercat jokes... 'cept is the driver going to have nunchucks?


anyway, I REALLY like the direction you're going in with that land raider. 2 suggestions. Feel free to take 'em or leave 'em as you wish.


1- Move the claws up on the tread base so that they are about eye level with the... erm... the head. I think this will give it more of a "Wolf leaping into a battle" sort of look.


2- Go with the MKIIb sponson designs. Like this one from Forge World. I think those will give the Raider a wider stand and make it look more aggressive, also helping to carry forward the image of the wolf leaping into battle image.



Also: Is anyone gonna mess with Panthro when he's got a Land Raider as his baby?

That's looking great so far - I may steal the idea for my Dark Wolves. I like that it looks as if its hunkered down, ready to pounce on the enemy.


Personally I like the claws - they look like they are a functional addition for breaking through infantry/walls.

As has been said, I do think the head needs a more aggressive look. Maybe add a few non-perpendicular angles to make its 'eyes' look angry or (if you're good) the assault door would look good coming out of a snarling maw.


I look forward to seeing how you get on

Thank you for the input guys!


After looking at it with fresh eyes in the morning, I agree with Ghostbear that the claws were too big. I moved them back to give it a more tread-guard look, but it just looks like a wee puppy dog...









Top view.


lhg033 brought up a good idea! I forgot about Land Raider Spartan Assault Tank from Forge World. That will serve as a good base for what I want.


maverike_prime's suggestion on the side-sponsons would definitely add claws on the side and add tactical functions as well!


The mean treads Jolemai mentioned could work. I'll see how a mock-up wold look on the next version.


@Paladin7221: For the Warhound head size, I didn't scale it.


Thank you again for the ideas. I'll see what I can do in the next few days.

Also: Is anyone gonna mess with Panthro when he's got a Land Raider as his baby?

You don't mess with Panthro, full stop.





For the Crew member that will inevitably be on the top you need to make him a black dude with Nunchucks just to see if anyone gets the reference.

  • 3 weeks later...
Personally, I'd use the wolf's head as a gun turret, sacrificing some transport capacity to mount the Vanquisher cannon- see Codex: Imperial Guard- as a " ;) you!" to my enemies. (Shrugs.) I suppose your design is easier to build; no need to buy another kit (Leman Russ battle tank), spend hours trying to shoehorn the turret into the Land Raider, and then hours more modding the turret to resemble a wolf's head.
After looking at it with fresh eyes in the morning, I agree with Ghostbear that the claws were too big. I moved them back to give it a more tread-guard look, but it just looks like a wee puppy dog...

Keep the claws in their original position, oversized and intimidating. Have them "counts as" a dozer blade or something, for breaking down obstructions.

I love, love, love the head and overall idea - amazingly executed, and tying it in to the Warhound makes it feel very Imperial, what with all the reused designs.


The claws, though...well, don't think they work. The big reason being that, held so close to the head, they give the impression that the "wolf" is in a low, submissive position that undermines the ferocity the model is trying to communicate.


Keep at it, tho. Can't wait to see more.

Awesome concept, but the claws can't get in the right spot being off the treads - it's too bunched up and doesn't actually look aggressive, any size. For those I'd look at basing them as highly stylized weapon sponsns, indeed using a Mk. II style.


As for the head, looking pretty good, but I really think you should tweak the ramp, as it looks very buck toothed which is a little counter to what you want.

The claws, though...well, don't think they work. The big reason being that, held so close to the head, they give the impression that the "wolf" is in a low, submissive position that undermines the ferocity the model is trying to communicate.

Solution: Elevate the head slightly, to improve ground clearance. Ideally, it would be a gun turret, but Cirus has enough to do without having to buy another model and then mod the parts.

you know I was thinking about this today at work and I think I had a bit of an epiphany about it. Starting from the basis of the MKIIb land raider sponsons, modify the design so that the sponsons sit further forward on the hull and give them a larger flaring on the top but more wolf-life. Perhaps styling them to look like wolf ears. From here you can play with placing the claws further forward, or lower relative head. I'm thinking this approach will allow you to get more stylized while still maintaining the Land Raider design, sort of a Space Wolf Version of Marneus Calgar's Pimp Ride.

Wow! Thank you for the suggestions guys.


I've been busy with packing and moving related tasks that I couldn't work on the land raider much. I've been tinkering with a new wolf head design.








Unfortunately, the new head is too long so I'll have to shorten it some more. Otherwise the nose sticks out like this:








In a twisted way, it's actually growing on me. The tank looks more like a wolf head with the tracks on either side of the nose. Once I settled in at my new place I'll build a new design and see how they compare side to side.


Again, thank you all for your support and ideas! You've given me quite a lot of inspirations!


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