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Chaos and Power Fists

Kol Saresk

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I would rather run boon+power sword then fist

I find boon to get really expensive. If you have it on all your champs it quickly racks up points and has rarely given me something valuable. Not enough to be worth all those points at least...

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I like taking all of the above!!! I play death guard so I accept that I'm going last more often than not anyway. I like to have my champions armed according to the squad's load out. I think that applies to regular CSMs. If you're squad's got melta guns then I think it's a good idea to have a powerfist.


BTW do you have to challenge monstrous creatures and walkers? I don't have the book to hand...

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BTW do you have to challenge monstrous creatures and walkers? I don't have the book to hand...

As long as they are characters, yes. Check the rulebook for a comprehensive list...

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Problem with a fist is you might not get to swing, so 25 points down the drain. Sword vs sword swing at the same time, though Slaanesh gets the bump at I5.


The crucial factor is this... What looks coolest!?




I think maces, axes and claws look the coolest. Axes don't work very well on most of my units so I usually go with claws or maces on my champs. Think I might go with a sword on my MoS CSM though just to change it up.

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Problem with a fist is you might not get to swing, so 25 points down the drain. Sword vs sword swing at the same time, though Slaanesh gets the bump at I5.


The crucial factor is this... What looks coolest!?




That’s a big might in my books. So the reward out weights the risk.

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Yeah, I'm thinking power fists - or to lesser extent axes - on models who can be challenged and have only 1 wound are not such a good idea. At least if you don't also have someone else in the squad who can accept the challenges instead. They're just too easily killed off. So striking at initiative seems like a much better choice. My Chosen Champion with a maul actually almost killed a 3-wound Chaplain in a challenge in my first and so far only chaos game. The chappie had one wound left, and after the fact I realized I forgot to reroll a miss (VotLW) in the first turn of combat, which might've lead to a kill :P And mauls are also obviously quite good against Eldar and Dark Eldar, who normally don't have great armor saves and thus AP4 is good, while S6 is enough to instant death their characters. But admittely against MEQ it's not as simple, and a sword or a claw would most likely work better.
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A bit off-topic but:

Where to get lots of axes, swords, maces, claws, etc. anyway.


I know that the standart CSM box holds a fist and a sword and that the raptors box has lots of claws but what about the rest?


For everyday squad sergeants, try the Warriors of Chaos. They've got alot of swords, axes and maces.


If you want really daemonic or evil looking axes, swords and maces try the Chaos Knights.

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