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Best HQ for about 100 points


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So lets say you are building an army for a 500 point game, or you have a larger army of a different force and you want to add in some chaos space marines. What HQ choice would you pick?


Assuming a small force like this would mostly consist of standard chaos space marines, probably alongside havocs and maybe bikers or raptors, to me it looks like the choices are between a chaos lord and sorcerer. At this points level terminator armour looks like a reasonable deal to me. A lord with terminator armour costs slightly over 100 points, while a sorcerer with terminator armour and an extra mastery level is roughly the same.


However is there anything to be said for going cheaper still, and taking just, say, A chaos lord with power weapon, or even a sorcerer with no upgrades at all?

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lv2 sorcerer w/ inv. save is a good choice. In general, though, I'd try to find the points to stick your HQ with the bikes instead of having him join the infantry. Terminator lord with infantry playing the bullet bending game is also ok, just watch out about losing the ability to sweep.
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I'd go for a lvl 2 termie sorcerer. At 110p he is reasonably cheap and can kick some arse and buff your units/debuff your enemies. He'll play a huge role in a small game such as 500p, nigh invurneable in 2+ armour with a 2+ LOS, put him with some shooty marines and he's a nasty model to deal with for many armies at those points...
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HQ for 100pts?



Mark of Khorne

Power Weapon



100 pts



+1 Level

Mark of Slaanesh

Aura of Dark Glory

100 pts



A lord without an invul save won't like low ap guns much, and that sorcerer is 15p more...

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warpsmith is something that i find works well, 2? attacks basic, +2 for his tentacles and he has a power axe and bolt pistol so +1 there, 5 attacks basic at S5 AP2 and a 2+ save AND has a melta that hits on 2+ and a flamer and -1 to a section of cover and all the other stuff all for only 110pts!


If you want to add to that MoN and a 5++ makes him around 140 or so and he becomes rather nasty -_- but at 110 he is just fine

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