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Pistols & Plague Knives?

Beer Ogre

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Hey guys,


New to 40k, and have a question regarding pistols and assaulting.


Since I'm going Nurgle, I'll use plague marines as an example.


Plague Marines come with Boltguns, Bolt Pistols, and Plague Knives. In my shooting phase I opt to use my Bolt Pistol INSTEAD of my Boltguns because I wish to charge an enemy in my assault phase. I do my charge, and in the ensuing combat I fight with my Plague Knives and count my pistols as a 2nd melee weapon which gives me an additional attack. Assuming I've read the rules correctly, I now have 3 attacks per model (1 base, 1 for charging, 1 for having the pistol as a 2nd weapon).


Now, the question is this: Do all three of these attacks benefit from the Plague Knives' Poison 4+ rule?


Or do I need to roll separately for the extra attacks granted by the pistols because they do not have the poison rule? What about the bonus attack from charging, this I presume WOULD benefit from the poison because I could elect to have the extra attack with the knives, right?

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The plague knife's weapon profile says it's a poisoned weapon.


You only ever use one melee weapon in close combat; in this case it's the knife.


When you get an extra dice for having two close combat weapons, it's simply added to the number of attacks you get with the knife.


Thus, you'll get three poisoned attacks on the charge.

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