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Given a Rhino, not sure how I want to use it


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Hey everybody!


Let me start off by saying that I have very little experience with vehicles in 40k, especially since the introduction of hull points. My brother has given me a rhino, and I've been trying to think how to best use it. I know that the best advice will likely be "use it how it fits your play style" ... but my play style doesn't currently include vehicles beyond my storm raven, so I'm not sure how it fits into my play style. Note that none of my friends use transports (or tanks, really).


My two options, I think, are: buy on upgrade sprue to convert it into a ball predator, or use as transport for my death company. My death company is currently jump pack and mostly pistol / chainsword. I've been thinking about stripping the jump pack and filling them out with more power weapons and using the rhino as transport. I've never used a transport, though, and am worried about survive-ability in 6th edition.


I guess I'm asking what peoples experiences are with rhinos in 6th thusfar?

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My current army composition, which is growing right now as I am a beginner, is as follows:


Commander Dante

BA Captain (often played as a Sanguinary Priest)



Assault Marines (20)

Tactical Marines (20)

Devastator Squad (5)

Assault Terminator Squad (5)

Terminator Squad (5)

Death Company (5; with Jump Packs chainsword and bolt pistol - really want to change this unit a great deal)

Chaplain Lemartes


Storm Raven

Furioso Dreadnought (Librarian, wishing I had made it DC)



When I first started I wanted to make a full jump pack army with no vehicles at all. Now, however, I want to add more "shooty" into my game as I am not winning with all my eggs in the assault basket. Also my brother plays Necron and just burns me out of the sky. I know that part of that is my play style and also my unit composition,


I know I could convert the Rhino into a Baal Predator for about $25 (by ordering an upgrade sprue). I could also use it to transport either my DC or a tac squad. To be honest, I hadn't thought of using it for one of the TS. My worry is that rhino's don't last very long anymore. Diverting fire away from my storm raven does sound nice, though.

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When you said TS, did you mean terminator squad? Terminators cannot be loaded into anything besides land raiders (and varients) and ravens i believe.


Rhino the tacticals if you have the points, it'll get them to the objectives a lot quicker and lay down midfield support.

Or as mentioned above, load it with dem bolters DCs (the BLACK RHNO!) and do a suicide run with them.

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Check out the light mec thread. I use mine empty as LoS blockers. Use them as mobile cover then use a jump pack to jump over and charge. They're also great to jump out and bolter drill. You can also pull some cheese by jumping out, shooting, and moving flat out to block return fire.


They're not a mandatory choice like in 5th ed, but they have their uses. Overall, if you have the bits, make a Baal. They're worth their weight in gold against hordes which is where BA struggle anyway.

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When I said TS, I meant the tactical squad. Currently I'm delivering my terminators into the fray of the bottle with my storm raven.


I'll check out the light mech thread (I've read it about 50% yesterday, but I'll catch up on it).

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Looking at your list, perhaps an idea would be to put a Tactical Squad inside it and place it into reserve.


What I do with mine is that I have a Librarian (and a Priest & RAS) inside it and the Librarian has Shield of Sanguinius. This I place alongside a Predator (and more armour depending on points) to create a wall for things behind it. I know this isn't a tactic that is suitable for everyone, but it may help you with some ideas.


Another option as mentioned by most is to buy parts and turn it into a Baal (or something else).

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There are but two uses for a Rhino.


1: Grind the Xeno, Heretic and Mutant beneath it's hallowed treads.


2: Swift delivery of your elite troops into the heart of the enemy army, thereby ensuring their swift annihilation.


note: 1 and 2 are not mutually exclusive.

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