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I don't think it works like that (I just doubled-up my Infiltrates, one on each character, by the way).


When you join two ICs together, they form a "unit of powerful characters" according to the BRB. That would imply that the other IC is 'joining the unit' too, so he's attached to a unit consisting of Ahriman, therefore as a member of the unit he would have it... but for the fact he can't inherit Infiltrate specifically from the unit.


Since a block on inheritance only has to go one way to block it completely, it doesn't matter that Ahriman is also joining a unit made up of the other character.

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3 - Puppet Master

Properly used, one of the nastiest things ever. Suffice to say, I recently used it on Pedro Kantor, with devastating effect. Yes, you are thinking correctly - "OMG, where did I send that S10, AP1, Large Blast Orbital Bombardment?! SORRY GUYYYS!!!" :)


Just to check, Kantor was the closest model to the sorceror, or you rolled below a 5 on the focussed witchfire, right?

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3 - Puppet Master

Properly used, one of the nastiest things ever. Suffice to say, I recently used it on Pedro Kantor, with devastating effect. Yes, you are thinking correctly - "OMG, where did I send that S10, AP1, Large Blast Orbital Bombardment?! SORRY GUYYYS!!!" :D


Just to check, Kantor was the closest model to the sorceror, or you rolled below a 5 on the focussed witchfire, right?

Being closest has nothing to do with it though. If you fail the focused test you randomize...

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3 - Puppet Master

Properly used, one of the nastiest things ever. Suffice to say, I recently used it on Pedro Kantor, with devastating effect. Yes, you are thinking correctly - "OMG, where did I send that S10, AP1, Large Blast Orbital Bombardment?! SORRY GUYYYS!!!" ^_^


Just to check, Kantor was the closest model to the sorceror, or you rolled below a 5 on the focussed witchfire, right?

Being closest has nothing to do with it though. If you fail the focused test you randomize...


Ah yea, brainfart. You pick a model, then if you dont pass on a 5, you randomise.


Actually led me to think that you could pick not-Kantor, then pass on a 6-10, then might be able to randomly get him.

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You may as well pick Kantor either way - the model you chose to target isn't excluded from the randomisation.

If an opportunity arises though, I'd rather choose the vindicator behind them or something else that will completely mess up a lot of his army instead of just one guy. The 24" range gives you a lot of options of targets...

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  • 2 weeks later...

iam currently buildign a pure tzeentch army, and i sorta plan on using Ahriman to infiltrate a 20-man horde of CSM for cheap massed fire on turn one, in games big enough for him, rather than Horun... also, it will be fun to go wild with his powers, like throwing 3 witchfire powers and hopefully some sort of buff/debuff



i did notice something in the 'dex, though... under his "detailed page" Arhiman isnt listed as having a MoT...

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Heh, agree that LoT is underwhelming but not to THAT degree, dear rune priest ;)


As for the character, sadly only tested him once as of yet :eek


In that single battle he did very well though (but I was maybe lucky as my opponent were puring a lot of fire onto certain other units, making Ahriman and his terminator retinue demolish infantry in relative peace). Compared to last edition he is beyond awesome. Still, he IS a tad expensive. But in some lists he should work well in theory. But I have to play with him more to be honest before I make my final judgement.


Sadly been a busy few weeks for me now with little time for 40K :tu: Christmas incomming now relativly soon though ;)

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Well, you can end up getting a lot of shooty AP2 powers from biomancy(which I will be rolling on every single time on him), and since Tzeentch is a shooty lore he can use his ability to fire three psychic shooting powers per turn to maximum efficiency...


See that termie squad over there? Not anymore...

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Puppet master can be a very nasty little power indeed. I've used it to take control of a son of sanguinius melta gunner to take out a Baal predator he was running alongside and I've seen it take control of a manticore rocket launcher and fire it's missiles at it's own troops (rolled a 3 for number of large blasts too!).
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I had fun last night with Ahriman with 1 Tzeentch, 3 Biomancy powers, until he got "promoted" into a demon prince. Darn it. I'll try Telepathy next time, I've had good luck with some of the powers in it (I had invisible Warp Talons last night, which was rather fun).
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been thinking of trying Ahriman, with one Tzeentch, one or two biomancy and one/two of telepathy, how have people found it?

And anyone else notice after the brief period of horror and desperate scrambling to figure out why kelly nerfed us (as if we needed it) it seems to have gotten just as quite here as it was before? ;)

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I've been thinking of trying Ahriman, with one Tzeentch, one or two biomancy and one/two of telepathy, how have people found it?

And anyone else notice after the brief period of horror and desperate scrambling to figure out why kelly nerfed us (as if we needed it) it seems to have gotten just as quite here as it was before? :huh:

I'm going to go full out bio on ahriman, he can only benefit from it. My other sorcerer will go invisibility...I mean telepathy... :P


I bet it's so quiet because people have realized that yet again, Tzeentch is the worst power to be devoted to(nurgle win...again!) and pursue other venues of interest...

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I've been thinking of trying Ahriman, with one Tzeentch, one or two biomancy and one/two of telepathy, how have people found it?

And anyone else notice after the brief period of horror and desperate scrambling to figure out why kelly nerfed us (as if we needed it) it seems to have gotten just as quite here as it was before? :P

My experience is 1 Tzeentch power, 2 Biomancy, 1 Telepathy works great for Ahriman.

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Haven't used him, but I've fought against him. My regular opponent is a Thousand Sons player (I'm more Slaaneshi by faith <_< ), and his force has been pretty much trouncing

my backside around the battlefields of the Great Eye for a while now, largely thanks to Ahriman and some VERY clever use of cultists and other units in synergy with his core of Thousand Sons (not to mention the two Helldrakes and Forgefiends he regularly takes).


Primarily, it's his ability to infiltrate certain units and then his ability to buff and/or support them with a variety of psychic powers that makes him such a monster. When you fight an army that includes him, against an opponent who is very good at capitalising on the synergy of his own force, you're basically forced into attempting to assassinate the swine before he starts wreaking havoc. Also, if you take proper advantage of his offensive powers, he can do some SERIOUS damage in a single turn.


He does have weaknesses, but those he does demonstrate are in character, and serve to balance off what is otherwise a fairly superb character. My advice would be to tie him up as much as possible; throw sacrificial units at him; cultists and the like, or ram him with something truly aggressive in assault.

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The main reason I think taking Telepathy more then Biomancy (though I would still take one biomancy) is because the Telepathy lore has a fair few witchfire powers, and things like Puppet master and Hallucination are just brilliant. If I did that though, I'd certainly take another sorcerer, either Lvl 2, force sword, sigil, mark and familar, or lvl 3 with force axe, sigil, mark, and familiar, vets if I was facing an opponent (it's fluffy as hell but if you are not facing loyalist marines it's worthless on the sorcerers, plus the lvl two is an apprentice of my two big guys).

And in 3000pts I'd have about 16 sorcerery levels.

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