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Which HQ to lead Plasma chosen


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I'm having difficulties to choose my HQ in a situation that has came up and I hope you can help my decision.


I frequently use a unit of Plasma Chosen (5 Plasma guns, 1 Combi Plasma), and while it doesn't work that bad :-) and I would like a HQ that can multiplicate their threat. I'm actually considering the following choices (if you have some new suggestions, they'd be welcomed) :


- Arihman : Yes the unit would cost 400 points, but I can infiltrate him with the Chosen. With Biomancy's witchfire (ap2), he could provide 2 more plasma guns (the equivalent). Also a few rolls in telepathy might end with invisibility.


- Huron : Again help infiltrating the Chosen, but he won't bring anything to them appart CC defence.


- Sorceror : I'd kit him with lvl3 and a mix of Biomancy and Telepathy powers (Invisibility).


- Dark Apostle : Provides fearless, and keeps the bubble wrapping cultist around with Ld10.


- Warpsmith : A good bullet catcher which decrease cover (make plasma better) while repairing a nearby (LOS blocking) Pred.


Unnamed HQ might also have the Brand of Skaralax. CSM brings 2 really good things : torrent and bikes.


PS : I plan on protecting the Chosen's unit with cultists: in the shooting phase they run to provide bubble wrapping to Chosen.

PS : The army list also contains predators that can block LOS.

PS : Before you ask, I chose Chosen over Havocks because my HS is already filled, I liked this unit under our last codex.

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if you take plasma chosen you should never put an hq inside the unit . the hq will only work in melee and plasmas dont want to be in melee . even if you pick a buff./debuff hq like a telepath sorc this again is a waste of points , because for the same points you can split the chosen unit in to2x5 with more plasma .
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I'd give them infiltrate with Huron and have them outflank with a rhino .

Gives you about 24" rapid fire range the turn they come on.


If you really want an IC to join them do a cheapis Slaanesh lord with brand and steed for outflanking.

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My first thought is a cheap level 1 slaaneshi sorcerer with the primaris power. Add some 24" dakka and serve as counter charge help

That's a nasty use. I didn't see that one. Adding blind, concusive and pinning with this 'poor' dakka will complement well. Moreover should the opponent reach my unit, I've got 2 choices for challenges (at I5 force weapon, or naked champ).


Btw, how can concusive reduce one fig to I1 ? Especially as most figs are 1W which means they'll be killed before I1 means anything.


I like Ahirman pushing Biomancy. Remember, he can use multiple Witchfires in a turn, so he can add to the AP2-ness with Life Leech, Smite, and Haemorrage. Still. REALLY expensive.

Yes, that's exactly why I mentionned Arhiman. He also help drawing initial lines of fire.


yeah a plasma squad is looking like the melta of 5th...


throw in a rhino and see how many things they can kill before dying

The "5melta chosen in 5ed" is totally different from my squad because Melta is point blank range (which mean alone-on the front line and dying first). Here my plasma squad is used to supporting other units. They perform well, but I want maor from them.


if you take plasma chosen you should never put an hq inside the unit . the hq will only work in melee and plasmas dont want to be in melee . even if you pick a buff./debuff hq like a telepath sorc this again is a waste of points , because for the same points you can split the chosen unit in to2x5 with more plasma .

Yes, I don't want them to be in melee. What's your opinion ? Is CC HQ a necessity in CSM ?

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I wouldn't stick a HQ choice in there,


what I would do is get 1-3 more regular Chosen and then add another 5-6 man plasma Chosen squad instead. More damage output for less points.


For overall force multiplication, take Huron for the infiltrate, or a fast Lord+Bikers or a Prince with Wings.



My 2 Kraks

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This isn't really a retinue type unit, nor is there an HQ particularly well suited to it. I'd let plasma chosen do their own thing.


If you want an HQ to make them better, then I'd take Huron to infiltrate or outflank them, or Abaddon to make them scoring, but neither should actually be in the chosen squad, if there's anywhere else reasonable to put them.


If it's a 'must do' situation for thematic reasons, then I'd go for a sorcerer (telepath, slaanesh, or tzeentch).

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I'd only stick a very shooty HQ (that you don't want in hth) WITH the unit.


However, with that unit in the army I'd see if Abe would fit to make them troops. Depending on the point value of the army you could take multiples and have them counting as troops.

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If you are going to stick them with an HQ choice, think about a Warpsmith or Dark Apostle.


The Warpsmith's Master of Mechanisms rule can be used to attack enemy vehicles up to 18 inches away, making all of their weapons have the Gets Hot special rule. Could be a very nasty way to add to the Plasma Chosen's attacks. The mechatendrils will help you out if the unit ever finds itself in close combat.


A Dark Apostle can be useful if you are not going to take VoTL. Besides his leadership buff, the zealot USR is pretty nasty against armies that are not SM.

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Zealot = fearless as well, so I wouldn't really count the leadership boost as much.


And for the record, the warpsmith sounds like the better of the choices since you mentioned that you intend to park them next to predators. Hopefully then he could still be useful overall even if he doesn't end up doing much for the squad he's actually in.

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