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Slaaneshi Bikers


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I am running 2 units of 10 Slaaneshi bikers right now and coming to believe they are the best unit in C:CSM. I wanted to get everyone else's thoughts here and see if anyone else has similar experiences.


The Hammer of Wrath, T5, +1 I and FnP are really just an excellent combination for any unit that is going to be fighting infantry. In terms of defense, they can shrug off a lot of wounds before they get into close combat, and their high initiative means they are going to kill a lot of things before they can fight back. In terms of defense, they have a lot of opportunities to hit things outside the simple assault mechanic, those hammer of wrath attacks can soften up enemy units to the point where it's possible to wipe them out in the subsequent close combat phase.


I run mine with a biker lord carrying the Black Mace for maximum impact. He causes extra wounds about 50% of the time and seems to be pretty hard to kill. I have only had him go down once, and that was because of some serious mistakes on my part when fighting Tau.


The one downside is that groups of bikers this large are really hard to get behind cover. I have been using Rhinos on their flank to cover them, but this is not really easy to pull off.


Anyone else having some success with this unit?

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You could change it up to make it 1k sons. Have the bike models be sorcerers on flying disks. You could still give them the initiative mark due to them being "fast sorcerers". Dunno how you could explain the FnP, but I like the idea of aspiring sorcs zooming round on disks. Attach a L3 sorc with telekinisis and you're set.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Why do you need cover with bikes? Just moving provides bikes with a 5+ cover save, while turbo boosting gives them a 4+. Kinda funny when running Slaaneshi lord on a bike with them and either he or the champ roll on gifts of chaos at start of game shrouded for a +2 to the cover save. I also like to give the Lord the Dimensional Key, to get my oblits in on target.
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  • 2 months later...

I recently started using some Slaaneshi bikers in my army. I really like them, though they tend to run off the board early in the game after taking casualties. Maybe I will try putting a sorcerer or something with them. 

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I recently started using some Slaaneshi bikers in my army. I really like them, though they tend to run off the board early in the game after taking casualties. Maybe I will try putting a sorcerer or something with them. 

I'd recommend a lord then. He's the one that brings fearless.

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I always run a unit of them with one of my Slaaneshi sorcerers. The buffs he can bring, along with the damage and demoralisation he can work before they plough into the enemy, helps a great deal. I have absolutely zero complaints; they are a superb unit, and often cause a great deal of damage to the enemy (in conjunction with deep striking or similarly speedy units like Maulerfiends or Raptors) whilst the Noise Marines and the like advance up the centre. 


As you can see from my Severed Angels, the also provide some excellent modelling opportunities :)

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So I just had an awesome game with my bikers against some wretched Khorne worshippers.

In synergy with my heavy weapons they popped two rhinos in the game and melted their faces with flamers and bolter fire before charging. Then they get charged by a daemon prince, however, he met his demise at the wall of fire before him.

This is all after the :cuss talk about flamers on bikes teehee.gif

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