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Greetings, brothers!

Another newbie is here, saying hello to B&C.

Sorry for english speaking, first - I`m from Russia, so... I am new at W40K, but now I am reading, and reading, and reading a lot. First of all - THANK YOU, this forum is just great! Yes, we have our own russian forum, but atmosphere here is great, and here only I feel myself as a part of brotherhood. Then, only here I`ve found many answers to my own questions. So, I am here and I`m going to stay.

And I am going to stay and live - on a planet of sorcerers! Yes, I am a true fan of Thousand sons. I know, maybe it`s a hard choise for a new guy, but can do nothing about it) Ahriman as a hero of a book written by McNeil gives me endless inspiration, and I wish to build a pure 1K son`s army. My focus is on modelling and painting... maybe, because I am just beginning to understand the rules of a game... but I am learning fast. And you, guys, give me ideas, share experience, and post just awersome photos of conversions and painted models! And please, don`t kill if I ask smth simple and stupid ;)

What else) In a real life I am 30, working in IT) And every IT-engineer will agree with Thousand Sons: Knowledge equals Power :)

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