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It's hard to tell, since I pretty much never do an identical list, and it also depends on what amount of pts we are talking about.


I do however pretty always use 2 HQ and 3 HS, and usually 2-3 FA.

Elites are actually pretty non-existant in my lists, i usually run 0-2, it depends on how many cult-troops I've unlocked.

Troops also depends, but 2-4 maybe.

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Not sure if you mean, what FOC we have acces to (1-2 HQ, 2-6 troops, 0-3 fast attack, 0-3 elite and 0-3 heavy support).


Or, if you mean what we actually use. I think it heavily depends on the list, points and theme one is going for. For example, in 750 points, one will not have enough points to do much more then 1 HQ, 2 Troops, and then 1 of the other slots, if that. And an Iron Warrior player might limit himself to Heavy Support and Elite, and foregoing things like raptors. (i say might ;))


Other then that, it doesnt really matter. What does matter with list building, is that you get units that help you accomplish a goal. For example bikers can be your fast melta delivery unit, cultists your objective holders etc..

It doesnt really matter what FOC slot they come from, but it does matter what the unit brings to your list.

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I usually try to have at least 1 fast attack and 1 heavy support due to 6th new missions (though I normally have 2-3 heavy support).


Apart from that, it depends on the list. Sometimes 2 scoring units, sometimes 5, 1 HQ or 2, elites or no.

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