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Typhus Conversion


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Hi one and all...

Typhus has always been my favourite character in 40k, from his story to his model. It's not the most impressive or dynamic model, but he always looked so smegging cool to me. Now that he's in finecast (and therefore MUCH easier to chop up), I decided to repose his model to appear more like his artwork that has appeared in every codex that he's been in. You know...where he's swinging his scythe out behind him, and holding the headless corpse of a guardsman in the other hand. IMO, Chaos Marines should be shown killing guardsmen. Hating loyalist Space Marines is one thing, but nothing says EEEEVIL like hurting those weaker than yourself...

So, here are a couple of shots of my work to him so far...



The arms and details surrounding them were so much easier to remove due to finecast, without damaging the rest of the model too much. To hide the join on the scythe handle and to add more detail, I added a skull tied to it. The parchment on his right shoulder is not glued down yet, or even cut to size. Let me know what you think, C&C is more than welcome and be as harsh as you like :lol:

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I know what you mean...


My problem is that I'm trying to make the corpse look dead and floppy, yet at the same time add some movement to it as Typhus swings it around...it's a puzzle of a conumdrum...


there are a few bits onteh guard that are working against the floppyness/movement.

bend in the knee

direction of the legs and right arm

left hand pointing rather than flopping

body not sagging below the arm typhus is holding


if you adjust the legs/kness/feet and the right arm so they seem loose and the movement has them all going the same way this should help. flopping the right hand down 9and opening it up if possible) will help

you could get away with the body not drooping below the arm


also, to add to the image, torn fabric moving with the model direction will help. the guard currently looks a bit clean.damage free for having gone up againts typhus. paint will help bu you might want to crack/damage the armour a bit?

On the guardsman:

Try replacing any part of the body that gives you trouble with a skeleton or zombie part. After all, that guardsman's body is probably being consumed by mutant insects at the very moment captured by your model. Heck, he may even be about to slouch back into (un)life as a zombie!

OK, thanks for the compliments everyone. It's nice to get them, especially when there's so much better on this site.

Right, to business. Even bigger thanks for the C&C, it's been a big help.





I've done a bit of hacking and slashing at the poor guardsman, rotating his shoulder around so he's hanging lower, removed his stomach plate so that his guts are spilling out, and the flesh has sloughed away on his leg and arm (love that word, sloughed...). Plus, I removed his hand. Can't be arsed to convert such a small, fiddly bit. Not the best attitude to take on a piece you intend to sell, but it's late...and Dead Man's Shoes is on telly...

I just need to let the glue dry, and I'll green stuff it all tomorrow.

  • 2 weeks later...

So, it's been a while and we've missed a few steps in the process, but here's an update on Typhus.



I'm not particularly happy with him right now, he's turned out messier than I wanted...hey ho, maybe it'll be better after final highlighting...

As usual, C&C is more then welcome, even if it's evil and brutal :)


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