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Multiple powers


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In the rule book it states you can't try and use the same psychic power twice a turn. However I assume this allows me to use two no identical powers a turn, even if they are of the same type? IE two which fires? Or as I’m running a Slannesh sorcerer and will use biomancy I can cast two malediction’s or two blessings a turn?

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Even if a Psyker has a special rule allowing him to manifest more than one psychic power per turn, he can manifest only one witchfire power - regardless of its subtype (see below).


Page 69, under Witchfire.


Other types of powers can be cast as many times as you are able as long as they are different powers.

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If I recall correctly, the monstrous creature 2 weapons per turn rule allows for 2 witchfire powers. (Someone should check that out)


Everyone else is stuck with 1 unless they have a rule that states otherwise.


This is why blessings and maledictions are so good in 6th edition. Being able to cast 2 powers a turn is useless if you only have 2 witchfire powers. What i wouldn't give to have an epistolary that knows 3 powers...

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Conversley, Grey Knights can use a number of powers, per turn, equal to thier Mastery Level.

Regardless of type, or WC cost.

(Oh I'm gonna get flakk for this!)

*Fires a flakk missile at Gentlemanloser.

Which I insist I can use in my missile launcher despite everyone else's agreement on the contrary.


See what I did there?

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Given that we reached an impasse the last time this debate turned up (to the best of my knowledge), and as there are no new rulings in the C:GK FAQ, it may be best to leave this stone unturned. ^_^
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