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Noobie moved in!


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Alright, decided to scoot from DakkaDakka to here, wanting to test the waters and stuff. Things I'm mainly interested in learning is:


IA 10 uses and lists


Homebrewed fluff and how to make characters interesting


How to keep models falling apart.



Main army I play is Vanilla marines with the successor chapter Iron Knights. looking to flush them out a bit more.


any help?

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Alright, decided to scoot from DakkaDakka to here, wanting to test the waters and stuff. Things I'm mainly interested in learning is:


IA 10 uses and lists


Homebrewed fluff and how to make characters interesting


How to keep models falling apart.



Main army I play is Vanilla marines with the successor chapter Iron Knights. looking to flush them out a bit more.


any help?


Hail and welcome to B&C, brother!


For the IA10 lists I would suggest asking either in the Index Astartes subforum or the Codex: Space Marine Army Lists subforum for answers to any specific questions you may have.


For creating and refining homebrewed rules and scenarios I suggest checked out the Homegrown Rules subforum. Any queries asked there should get answered well enough, I believe. :eek


For modelling advice I recommend the PCA subforum. Again, any queries there should end up getting answered satisfactorily.


And finally for discussing the Iron Knights I would again suggest the Index Astartes subforum.


Hope this all helps. Enjoy your stay here. ;)

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Peuh, Olisredan is still boosting his post count in this area of the forum. What a cheap trick :P


Anyway, welcome to you, T9G, and I hope that you'll enjoy your time here! :tu:



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Peuh, Olisredan is still boosting his post count in this area of the forum. What a cheap trick :P


Curses! My ambitions are foiled! Kindly stand still, brother, my assassins, er, associates will be with you shortly. :tu:


Edit - This doesn't help my case does it?

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