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Transports or numbers?


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I was looking at Possessed, and I really like them, though it is fairly obvious that they sort of suck for the points. I was pondering if putting them in a Land Raider (maybe with the MoK) might be a good idea (ok, I know Land Raiders are overcosted too).


However, what I realised was that instead of buying 10 Possessed and a LR, I could just buy 20 Possessed instead (ok, 19 but whatever).


20 Possessed are a lot of Possessed. Enough that they will most likely destroy most things (except Dreads, who no one takes anymore because they sort of suck).


A pack of 20 are quite fast and can easily manage a turn 2 assault, especially if the army is lead by someone who can grant infiltrate. So the transport ability of the LR doesn't really contribute much. The high AV of the LR will keep the ten possessed safe, but would more make it into combat if they started of as 20 instead and just ran across the board? The lascannons of the LR are nice, but the Possessed will most likely destroy any non-walker vehicles on the turn they assault. I'm not even sure the LR is more resilient than 10 possessed? the range of the lascannons on the LR is really nice, but buying a LR as a LC platform feels a bit expensive for what you get.


So, my question is , how do you think 20 possessed compare to 10 possessed in a LR? I know there are better things to spend the points on if you want to win, but if you had to buy one or the other, which would you buy and why?

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I'd go with 10 Possessed and a Land Raider. Then give the Raider to some Berzerkers, and find something else for the Possessed to do...


And yes, as you acknowledged, none of those units should be in the list!

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I like the extra bodies. With fleet and a 5++ you don't need to worry about cover and you actually will be running up the board fairly quickly.


The change I'd make is give them a defensive mark or mark & icon for slaanesh.

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i actually tried putting a 15 man squad with MoT in my list.. there is just no space.. it gets so expensive so very fast.. and then you have to wonder: are terminators not the better option? I would love some possessed with MoT or MoN to protect my Huron, i have such a hard time finding a good/fun bodyguard for him , but possessed are so expensive..
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The Landraider can perform other roles that the possessed can't, and can even transport other units after the Possessed leave.


If you can spare the HS-slot, I'd go with the Landraider.

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How about taking possessed with Huron and giving them infiltrate.

That allows you to outflank them with their rhino.


In the turn they arrive you drive on 6" and disembark a little less 6".

Then in the shooting phase you turbo-boost the rhino in front of the unit to block LOS.

This way the unit should survive one shooting phase and should be in assault range to something next turn.


As far as the actuals setup goes I'd go for durability. T4 and 3+ will only get you so far and they are really expensive.

So I reckon IF you want to use possessed MoS + FnP Icon are the way to go. (Also, I don't know why but I love the idea of marines possessed by daemonettes :) )


EDIT: Disclaimer: This is of course still far from being competitive.

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EDIT: Disclaimer: This is of course still far from being competitive.


We're talking about the usage of Possessed (and Landraiders) here.

Competetive-ness does not belong in this topic. :)

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But if you put them with Huron, can you still make use of the Fleet rule?


The idea is just to use Huron to be guaranteed that your warlord get to infiltrate D3 units. He doesn't need to be deployed as part of the unit.

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yeh i know, i ment it more as a potential bodyguard for huron, as i can't find a better candidate then the normal csm.


Possessed would indeed be a bad choice for that.

I'd either stick Huron in a CC CSM blob squad or a cultist blob. In other words something that can take advantage of his fearless rule.

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Also, I don't know why but I love the idea of marines possessed by daemonettes :)

That only conjures images of rocky horror marines singing sweet transvestite the horror :/

The idea of large squads is intriguing, I'm thinking of using it for my thousand sons as I only have one rhino.

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In the turn they arrive you drive on 6" and disembark a little less 6".

Then in the shooting phase you turbo-boost the rhino in front of the unit to block LOS.


I too thought you could do this initially, but rereading the disembarking rules, it says somewhere that the vehicle can move no further this turn.


I like the concept behind possessed, and the models are awesome. 20 infiltrating would be fun.

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Ahriman infiltrating with 20 possessed sounds interesting, shame we can't take termnators in squads of 20 :)

I'm thinking squads of 20 of any of the cult units could be fairly good actually, NM would ahve good positions to use their blastmasters, Tsons could use it to avoid cover, berserkers would be closer quicker, and plague marines.... someone who is interested in them other then killing them may be better to think/try it :)

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In the turn they arrive you drive on 6" and disembark a little less 6".

Then in the shooting phase you turbo-boost the rhino in front of the unit to block LOS.


I too thought you could do this initially, but rereading the disembarking rules, it says somewhere that the vehicle can move no further this turn.

page 79. If the tank has moved at all before disembarking, it can not move any more including pivioting that turn. The shooting phase is still considered part of that turn so no moving flat out.

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Ah yes, power armor armies and transports. I honestly hate it that we can't get assault vehicles other than Land Raiders that just aren't worth the cost in my experience - why take a LR just to transport a few infantry models when you can buy two Predators instead?


Sadly all the CC lists I'd like to play suffer from this lack of assault vehicles - both for Chaos as well as my Templars (and well, C:SM). Sword Brethren, Assault Terminators, Crusader Squads, Vanguard Veterans, Honour Guard, Chaos Space Marines, Possessed (well I don't really like possessed, but I'll soon have 5 models from the battleforce anyway - I suppose they'll end up as stand-ins for chaos spawn), Khorne Berzerkers, Chosen (REALLY sucks, the models are so awesome but getting them to battle intact? ARGH!)... and so forth. I suppose Chaos Space Marines and Chosen at least have their boltguns (compared to CC Templars) to do some shooting with while waiting for a chance to assault after disembarking, but in the latter case you'll probably lose some expensive special weapon models just sitting there.


The thing is that when considering adding a transport or extra models, the Rhino can technically still get you to the target faster, since it can move 18". But if your enemy isn't just hunkering down, that 18" is probably enough to get into combat in the next turn. However, having moved 18" in turn 1 and disembarking in turn 2, you can only charge in turn 3 if the enemy hasn't already charged you instead - or shot you to pieces. Compare this to a bunch of Eldar who can go farther than that with their Raiders in the first turn and still assault on turn 2. Heck, in my last match my forward troops were already assaulted on turn 1, and he was the one moving first! Even orks with their Trukks and Battlewagons have it easier due to being open-topped.


Anyway, I seem to be drifting into a rant again... the point was that while on foot you can only move 6" plus another D6 by running, if the enemy is coming at you instead of waiting for you to come to him, you can already move 13-18" in two turns on foot and thus possibly be in assault range already. The 35 points for a Rhino gets you another 1-2 models in your unit. Admittedly you'll lose more than that when footslogging most likely, depending on what the enemy is up to.


As such it's hard to say which is better, as it's situational. But I've generally found myself having poor luck with Rhinos and CC squads, like getting plastered by a Vindicator that with one shot killed four out of six of my Chosen AND my Khorne Lord (failing Lo,S! and 4++ both for the epic win) because they couldn't charge it after disembarking. They were even at maximum coherency! Bah.


Anyway, incoherent unhelpful rant over... for now :)

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