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Spray Primers.


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Please post the temperature and humidity at the time that you attempted to spray. If you were truly concerned about getting the job done properly, you would have known these two numbers at the time (even if you forgot them now).


Armory primer is just bad in general. No offense to the company or its fans, but I do not like their product.


Army Painter must be sprayed much, much closer and in shorter bursts as their spray nozzles/cans behave differently from other spraypaints.


I suggest you reattempt to spray Army Painter above 50 degrees and below 95 degrees Fahrenheit at no more than 65% humidity. Hold the can very close, at about 6 inches or so from the model. The can itself says you should never spray it from more than 20 cm away. That's a scant 7.8 inches. Most spraypaint primer tips will tell you to hold it no CLOSER than Army Painter's MAXIMUM distance. You really have to get up close with Army Painter as it's a fast drying primer and it will dry and become grainy if you're too far or the temperature makes it dry too fast.


You can either spray it in multiple short puffs to prevent running, or you can use it the way Army Painter recommends by using long sprays and moving rapidly over the models.


Also, if shaking for multiple minutes doesn't help, try soaking the can in a tub of warm water to warm up the paint.


It was unseasonably warm that day, so when I checked the temps they were at about 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity, I really can't remember what it was right now off the top of my head.


I guess when I get the chance to try spraying next I'll see about getting even closer and seeing what that gets me. Because it apears to be that I shake the Spray up properly and do it during proper temperatures. So, distance has to be my problem.


Again, thank you to everyone for the tips and suggestions.


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