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Can i have a dimensional key aswell as another artefact


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So i want my lord to have the burning brand of skalthrax AND the dimensional key.


the rule says that a model may replace one weapon with one artefact and that there may only be one of each artefact in each army. however for the dimensional key it also says that it does not replace a weapon. reading the rules i dont see anything that stops me fom taking the brand and the key on one lord. any thoughts?

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i disagree, i think that trying to take two big scary weapons would be against RAI and a bit cheesy however the dimensional key is not a weapon its a pece of wargear. i dont think it particularly gives that big an advantage either, its not that different to me having them on different Hq's especially as the key's effect works across the board
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the main effect is only the 12'' dangerous terrain thing. The other is a bonus, since its so unrelible. Also the brand does not help with activating the key, as the key needs to be activated in the fight subphase.


Also, at the Chaos Artefact list it says that you can replace one weapon to get one of the artefacts. Then as footnote, it says that the key does not replace the weapon, but i still think, you then can't take another artefact. i don't know for sure, so a FAQ would be best.

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