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How to separate a glued piece?

OGT Magne

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Does anyone have any ideas how to separate glued plastic? The bit I'm trying to separate is a Stormtalon missile top from the main pod, so it's pretty well stuck together. I've tried brute force and trying to prise it off but neither will work. Any tips would be great c
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I assume you mean plastic glue instead of super glue, yes? Well, so far as I'm aware you're either going to need to carefully slice it off with a (very) sharp hobby knife or clip it off and sand down the leftovers. Unfortunately I don't think there's much you can do about plastic glue once it's set.
Well, if it's super glue stick it in the freezer for an afternoon and then gently snap the part away using a slight twisting motion. The cold will have made the glue brittle and liable to break easily using torsion. However - I said 'gently' for a reason; the cold will affect the plastic too, making it also more brittle. If you go into this a bit cack-handed, you might end up with a broken model. :P

Plastic glue works by disolving the plastic and both parts fuse together, the join can potentially be as strong as the materials either side.


I built two stormtalon and the join youre on about is really solid, i dont see a way to easily cut it apart either. You could simply hack bits off it but you will be lucky to get much that is useable out of the process.



If you can't rip it apart, have you tried levering it apart? Use a metal file or similar to get in the join, and simply apply pressure.


I've tried that before. Bent the bloody tool I did it with! :P


I recommend using something sturdy if you do this, OGT.

The cleanest way to separate those pieces would be to use an xacto knife and slowly score through the bond until you cut it off. It's time consuming, though. Next would be a jewelers' saw, but be prepared to lose some material that way. Brute force will probably end up stress fracturing the plastic where you don't want it fractured.
I have found that using Castrol Super Clean or its knockoffs (Walmart has Purple Power as one) can destroy a Cyanoacrylate bond (Melted plastic parts). Downside is you need to let the stuff sit in for about a month with occasional manipulation to see if the bond has weakened. I've successfully taken apart GW plastics and PP plastics using this stuff.


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