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Sons of Medusa

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Evening brothers!


Since the new 40k box set and rules etc have been released ive decided to pick up my paintbrush again and start an army to battle the chaos invasion! My brother has a Word Bearers force and I was unsure what to paint myself but decided on the Sons of Medusa as I quite like the Iron Hands and will probably do a pre heresy force once my painting skills come up to scratch.


Appologies in advance for the photo quality but heres the first test minis for my army








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I agree with the highlight im not a massive fan of line highlighting purely because i dont have enough practice with it .. plus im a 23 stone rugby player and dont have the most delicate touch lol. The green base coat is actually one coat of warpstone applied with an airbrush and then a coat of Moot green applied to the upper faces again with an airbrush. Its shining because its had a coat of gloss varnish ready for an oil wash with W&N Lamp black paint. It gets a coat of matt varnish after that which dulls it down to the finished marine standard. Im just waiting on some transfer paper to sort decals and names etc and then im ready to go. Never played 40k before so i'll prob start with 1000 pts and go from there. Apart from 2 or 3 marines I painted at the start of the year its the first time i've picked a brush up in 20 years or more ... I remember the original release of the space marines :P and the chaos toilet who can forget that one ;p


Anyway i'll keep plugging away and eventually get better at the highlighting and weathering

Starting to lay a bit of colour down on the sergant model now, again poor pics but i'll get some proper ones done once hes finished. Im thinking of adding a lightning claw on the commander model too, its the metal model so its as good a model as any to test on as I have the finecast box set of all four ready to paint once I get my colour scheme and technique sorted.


Should give a better impression of the highlights on the green armour in this shot, again it has to have an oil wash to shade yet.





Yeah I love the rifle mate, I was a sniper in the marines myself so im gonna try and slip as many as i can in to my force :tu: Nothing wrong with having a DMR on your sergeant. Was really really impressed with the lack of flash and mould lines on the anvil products too.
Yeah I love the rifle mate, I was a sniper in the marines myself so im gonna try and slip as many as i can in to my force :tu: Nothing wrong with having a DMR on your sergeant. Was really really impressed with the lack of flash and mould lines on the anvil products too.


ive been using anvil for years, ive never had better service or quality ;)


if you're interested, the muzzle break from one of the other barrels can be trimmed and put onto the longer barrel, with a little trim it looks great

Evening Brothers!


Devestator sergeant has base greens on, with shading and some light high lighting to finish, bionics and trim still need to be detailed. Finished up the chapter symbol and the veteran sergeant shoulder pad, they just need the black trim finished and some weathering. Veterans will also have a horsehair creat added to the helm as per previous pics.


Hope you like it, please comment if improvements can be made.





Yeah I plan on giving him an oil wash, I need to practice it a little bit more though as once dry i sometimes have trouble cleaning it up, it just doesnt want to come off, im thinking my gloss coat isnt good enough. I use Vallejo gloss but may spray on two caots instead of one before the wash this time.
The markings are actually decals that I did myself, I wanted something different from the ones on this board so designed them myself on photoshop. Im still working on the sizes for some of the decals for helmets and tattoos etc but once I have the sizes nailed i'll be happy to apply them to my whole army. Im still tweaking the details on these first few minis but im pleased with the way its going, im not looking to be painting golden demon minis yet but I am looking to be getting close to a decent table top fighting force.

Good afternoon Brothers!


Meet veteran Sergeant Valdaar currently leading XI Clave Braxe (Devestator support). Hes about 90% done as im still deciding whether to give him the devestator sergeant backpack or the normal backpack, I may magnetise both in which case i'll need to raid ebay again.


Valdaar is equipped with a customised bolter to enable him to use it in a DMR role to accompany his support clave.


I think im happy now with the colours and the wash and have a few squads base coated with the three shades of green waiting for me to start detailing.


Let me know what you think, critique welcomed.








I'll get better pics once squads are completed and i construct a lightbox etc



This demands more of the forum's attention.


Simply stunning work, man. Really professional stuff. I would love to try out something similar with decals but I'll need to research it some more beforehand. You've really nailed the Sons of Medusa green as well, it seems like a pretty dodgy color to get right, but the results are unbeatable. :)


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