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[22.06] Kastor's Silver Tower Sigmarine as truescale SM Cap

Kastor Krieg

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Thanks! Glad to be an inspiration, mate! :cuss


Today the model got the "horns" on the weird sword shorn off, so it's more proportional and less wacky. It had its throat and back of neck GSed into feathers by one of our FLGS regulars. He will be also touching up the leg transition point and fixing the construction holes.


I actually went to Chest of Colors and asked them how much they'd charge me for asking Ana to paint it, top-tier (their "Level 4", Golden Demon). I wonder, maybe if I can afford it... OTOH, I'd like to play with that model and if it will be so well-painted, I know I will be afraid to transport it and use it.

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very nice conversion

kind of reminds me a bit of my old guy


is the hand going to stay beckoning or are you going to add some fire as personally i think it would look fitting

good luck with him either way

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Nice! Was that published here on the B&C? Did I see your thread that got me inspired? If so, huge thanks! :lol:


The hand is going to stay in this position. If I had access to a dremel tool, I'd probably make a gouge in the "sleeve" of the armour, so it's not as flat and unshadeable. Otherwise, a flame would indeed fit him well. That gives me a crazy idea for a source lighting project done on him, with the light sources being the fiery spell in his hand and a glow of the runes on the sword.

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That tzeentch demon prince is the best version ive seen so far damn its nice!

If im ever going to build a chaos army i will steal this idea if you dont mind :)

Thanks man! I'm also extremely happy with how it turned out. And I don't mind at all, especially since I nicked the general idea from someone else, too! :lol:

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When shall we see the next update?


Well, currently the GS work is under way, going slowly, so not much to show. I have left the model back at the FLGS, tomorrow is my day off. I will take it back home for some more sculpting and fixing, if I manage to get my hands on some non-liquid GS of my own (the shop's currently out of it) in the next few days.


If you remember how the Griffon itself looks



look at the feathery part the fore claws are connected to - I've cut this off, flat and I'm in the process of cutting away at the back parts of it, so that these parts make an concave feathery shield for the sides of the thighs. This should be in-theme while fixing the thigh-size issue.


Oh, and by the way! I've found the thread that has inspired my conversion. It was posted on DakkaDakka [ http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts...rfilterid=39004 ]. Looking back, I guess I went a lot further with it, towards daemonclaw's idea. Thanks, biccat! :lol:


I'm excited to see the new changes you described, and the potential rune.

Thanks! Another possibility I'm looking at, also a light source, would be a semi-translucent ball of balefire. I just do not want to obscure the DPs features from the most impressive forward-being-attacked angle.

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In the meantime, here's today's progress on two minis - my counts-as Typhus (TK Prince Apophas) and my Black Templar Termie Chaplain.





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  • 2 weeks later...





My Helbrute WIP. Black primer, undercoat of Adeptus (aibrushed), drybrushed Calthan Brown, drybrushed Khemri Brown. More to follow ;)

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About 90% of it, yes. Black primer, Adeptus Grey basecoat from an airbrush. Then drybrushed thickly with Calthan Brown, little bit less thickly with Khemri brown. All the exposed fleshy bits got a normal drybrush of Tallarn Flesh then. Did the green with drybrushed Camo Green (only the "eyes" were painted in that color). Most of the Dheneb Stone on bony fragments is also drybrushed, aside from the tiniest details. The plates were covered in three layers of Nuln Oil, for that leathery blackish sheen. Metal was done in Runelord Brass, some other darker parts in Tin Bitz. I made a point of not using any silver at all. And that's about it! :)
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Basically the finished item. The eyes - I have no idea what else to do with them, for now the plan is to 'Ardcoat them for a sheen. The Deneb coated claws got Devan Mud on them now. Not much else is going to change, wish me luck - it's a FLGS competition item! :P

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Lovely Hellbrute man. I also really like the Gryphon DP, only thing i dislike is the left arm but that's probably because I just really don't like the stock DP claws.

Thanks! Well, I did what I could to salvage the arms (e.g. did not use the idiotic shoulder pads!).


No offense but to me the Gryphon DP looks like a follow of Tzeentch, but other then that I love your work so far! keep up the work can't wait to see more

Well, since that IS a Daemon of Tzeentch - job well done, me! :wub:

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That Helbrute is actually gorgeous.


If you're at a loss with the eyes, I'd say; deepen the shade (around the outside of the eyeball and inside the pupil) to create more contrast, and if you're feeling ambitious some veins, either in a darker green, or the same blue as the armour plates for that dirty, blood-shot effect- then varnish.



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@Helbrute / Daemon

Thanks guys. The daemon is going on slowly, I'm having a customer at the FLGS do more of the green stuff job on it, we also sculpted thigh "pads" from the frontal feathery parts of the griffon, so it's unveiling its final shape slowly. The Helbrute did not win a thing, unfortunately, but I will definitely be touching it up.


Here's a new thing though. I got my hands on two very special minis, both from Forgeworld. One is a gorgeous Minotaurs chaplain, with an exquisite spartan helmet on his skull [ this guy: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-4000..._MINOTAURS.html ]. I'm going to figure out what to do with him, but he will either become a PA chaplain for my loyalist army or get chaosed-up and become a Chaos Dark Apostle. Since I'm not putting him together yet, I will present him later.


The other guy though, now that's something else. I actually got my hands on a mini of Huron in his "30k" loyalist edition, as chapter master of Astral Claws. He's sans base, banner and Iron Halo, but I got both of them cheap. Both of them might also be actually recasts - although REALLY good quality ones then. Anyway, here's a sneak-peek of what I intend on doing with him - I think I've finally found my Belial!


Unsure about the heavy flamer there, but there's nothing easier than barrel-swapping it into a Reaper autocannon or whatever else (will likely wait for the DA 'dex). The kicker is obviously one of the nicest "empchampy" helmets out there - I actually have two of these; this one and the one with a broader "jaw", a skull on the forehead and the dots/microphone-punctures looking more like a cross. Since I got the DA Vets set and then some, I will be able to give him a lot of Dark Angely bling. Already have a bit set aside to stand for his Iron Halo. What totally sells me on this being Belial is the lionesque shoulderpad. Very appropriate :P


What do you think? ;)






EDIT: This is not a kitbash / conversion by any means YET. It's more of a "see, here's what I got, can you see where it's heading?" and "do you like where it's heading" kinda post :P

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